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Hello you special snowflake you.

  1. Ogre-like Translations: Saber ・ Seibah

    by , September 18th, 2014 at 03:27 PM (You Like?)
    King of Knights
    Also why so little views on that Fragments post? Do people just not care about Fragments?

    : A++
    「聖剣」というカテゴリにおける頂点。所有者の魔力を光に変換し、収束・加速させ運動量を極限まで増大して 放たれる究極の一閃は、神霊クラスにも手が届くと言われる。所有者の魔力を変換する増幅器であるため、黒化 したセイバーが振るっていた時はこの聖剣もまた黒く変色していた。
    Promised Sword of Victory
    : A++
    The pinnacle of the "Holy Sword" category. Owner's magical energy is converted to light, increasing it's momentum via convergence and acceleration ...

    Updated September 21st, 2014 at 06:27 PM by You

  2. Ogre-like Translations: Proto-Saber + Hassan

    by , September 12th, 2014 at 10:37 PM (You Like?)
    I saw the sheets in the prototype thread and I'm pretty disappointed if that's it for the status screens. I thought they would at least rank the skills. I really hope this isn't all.

    Either way they are really easy so here they are and a little analysis.
    Posting the Japanese doesn't seem necessary, but link is here:

    Thanks hinode.

    Personal ...
  3. Ogre-like Translations: Caster ・ String Bikinis and Thorny Garter Belt

    by , September 11th, 2014 at 08:31 PM (You Like?)
    As I promised, the broken phantasm entry is done. It's back in the previous post. So I was supposed to do some of Gilgamesh today because that's what was next. I decided to do Caster because she's shorter.

    「裏切りの魔女」としての伝説が具現化した短刀。武器としての殺傷能力はほほ無いに等しいが、魔術で組まれ たすべてのものを破戒し、つくられる前の状態に戻してしまう究極の対魔術兵装。
    Rule Breaker
    All Charms are Broken
    : C
    A dagger which is the embodiment of her role in legend as "The Witch of Betrayal." The killing ...

    Updated September 24th, 2014 at 05:02 PM by You

  4. Ogre-like Translations: Archer 1 ・ Apologizes

    So I was busy last week so didn't post anything. I'm making up for all of it by finishing the EMIYA card now. I was going to split it into three.

    かんしょう ばくや
    古代中国、呉の刀匠であるった干将と妻の莫邪により作成された二振りの夫婦剣。黒い方が陽剣・干将、白い方 が陰剣・莫邪。
    Kanshou Bakuya
    Gan Jiang ・ Mo Ye
    : C-
    In ancient China a chinese swordsmith Gan Jiang and his wife Mo Ye created a pair of married swords. The black one is Yang sword Gan Jiang and the white one is Yin sword Mo Ye. ...

    Updated September 18th, 2014 at 03:27 PM by You

  5. Ogre-like Translations: Archer 1 ・ Fuck You Rules I'm Ilyasviel Von Einzbern

    My new project thingy is going to be more laid back. That is, I'll quit if I'm not feeling it or something more exciting comes along. I was going to try the Koha-ace stuff but googling japanese people and learning their history is not my forte. So here we are on an equally insignificant thing. At least the anime means people care about this for a couple more weeks.



    Updated September 28th, 2014 at 01:04 PM by You

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