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IRUn's House of Whatever

ItsaRandomReviewBlog: It's Almost as if my Opinion Matters! -- Episode 3

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"Time to delude myself into thinking people care what I think!"

Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the next installment of ItsaRandomUsername's ItsaRandomReviewBlog! The place where IRUn voices his thoughts on any video games, books, comics, movies and etc. for no other reason than to take up blogspace.

Warning: Might be equal parts insightful, opinionated, and probably offensive. Tread lightly.

Winter Animu 2012 Episodic Reviews:

* Rinne no Lagrange -- Episode 6

"I have no idea what is going on, but it is still cool as hell!"

Alright, not exactly. The plot of RnL goes something like this:

MC is a Genki Girl who lives in an island town.
Meets strange, socially awkward, adorable, alien girl.
Befriends strange, socially awkward, adorable alien girl.
Pilots giant robot which she made a contract
/人 ‿‿ 人\ with in an early stage of her life (IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE HER NAME IS MADOKA)
Uses robot to fight other space peoples who want to steal the human's robots.
Oh, and the human's robots are implied to be capable of causing a galactic-scale apocalypse.
Meets busty, faux-airheaded alien spy who just wants to appease her brother who is in charge of the opposing organization.
busty, faux-airheaded alien spy who just wants to appease her brother who is in charge of the opposing organization by committing Friendship NTR to her previous alien friend ('kay, not really)
Organization gives ultimatum: Humans, destroy your robots or we're gonna trash everything. Everything.

Also, the show is better than it sounds. Just saying.

So yeah, this episode picks up from where we last left our fearless heroine.

Madoka is rarring for a fight against Kiss because she wants to stick it to Villaguilo, who made Muginami cryyyyy rawrrrrrrr. She gets pumped for the inevitable confrontation by chugging a bazillion energy drinks.

I swear this girl isn't human. She is, however, almost always entertaining to watch regardless of her moods.

Villaguilo and the other space defectors share the same brand of energy drink as well before the final battle.

Madoka and Lan fly up into the stratosphere to confront Kiss. They weren't, however, expecting to go up against a zillion unmanned enemy Ovids. Fortunately the Conservation of Ninjutsu is active and well, allowing our female protagonists to kick some major ass.

Meanwhile, Muginami angsts. Moid goes over to her and uses his snakelike tongue to convince her to jump into her own Vox and activate Memoria so that it can transform into robot-mode and the show can sell more model kits.

Villaguilo (whom Madoka can never seem to get his name right) fires off his big, fat beam right in Muginami's face when she arrives to engage him.

Yup, that was a big beam cannon.

...what? What did you think I was talking about? C'mon, get your head out of the gutter.

But seriously, if that beam hit any of them square on they would be 'D-E-A-D' DEAD. It blew a crater in the ocean. The ocean. Hardcore like shit, yo.

And after a brief not-quite-catfight with Muginami and her Vox, Madoka suffers a temporary Heroic BSOD that causes the Vox Aura to literally momentarily bloom into Super Newtype Instrumentality Form , causing it to rain ectoplasmic flowers from the sky as the other Vox units crash into the sea.

Upon seeing this, Moid becomes downright ecstatic. Cue ED theme.

This episode flowed nicely in my opinion (HA! Like that actually matters!). There was some humor in the first half, not gag-manga comedy level, of course, but still entertaining enough in its own right, and then the second half doesn't skimp on the action and other character and plot-based developments.

Oh, and next episode will feature Lan as she tries to overtake a naughty, squirmy eel.

...I'll be in my bunk, ladies and gentlemen.

-IRUn, signing out!


  1. Seika's Avatar
    'Super Newtype Instrumentality Form'

  2. ItsaRandomUsername's Avatar
    I'm serious. That's what happened. "Midori" opened up not unlike Psychoframe System of Gundam Unicorn, lit up like a Christmas Tree and started spewing GN Particles glowing flowers and specks everywhere.

    Thank goodness there's going to be two seasons. I'm liking this.
  3. Moczo's Avatar
    I... I have... no idea what this is about, but... but I want to watch it now.