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Nicktendonick's Blog

Welp, my transmission broke

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Welp, my transmission on my 98 dodge caravan broke.

People who have been in this situation before, what did you do?

Sigh, this is gonna be fun. At least a 500 dollar bill that was about to drop on my head isn't dropping anymore. That's some good news, even if this might replace it.


  1. Raven2785's Avatar
    That crap happened to me once, my advice?

    Depending on how much you're spending it might be best to simply buy another car, look around for good deals around your house.

    I don't know where you live, but around where I live repairing a transmission is on the north side of 2 grand, if not 3 grand total. With that kind of money you can put a down payment on a used car and pay it off in a couple of years, if that is not an option for you then I hope you know a good mechanic.
  2. Bittersweet's Avatar
    Get a new car that isn't made by the worst car company in America.
  3. Bittersweet's Avatar
    Get a new car that isn't made by the worst car company in America.
  4. Nicktendonick's Avatar
    I see your post twice, I think I'm seeing double. XD

    My only problem is...I really, really lack the money to get a new car. I can barely afford everything as it is now. I really, really hope I can get it fixed instead. Finding a super-cheap car might not be a easy task.
  5. Bittersweet's Avatar
    Sorry, that was a mistake. But anyway.. Moral of the story: Never ever get a dodge. Why would anyone?