Takuechi Takashi's Pre-TYPE-MOON Doujinshi
, November 3rd, 2013 at 08:48 AM (16366 Views)
Takuechi Takashi's Pre-TYPE-MOON Doujinshi
See this post and more at Keripo's Corner
Takeuchi Takashi (武内崇) is a Japanese artist best known as the illustrator and co-founder of TYPE-MOON. In otherwords, he's the artist behind all the characters from Tsukihime, Fate/stay night, and Kara no Kyoukai (yes, he drew your waifu).
But before TYPE-MOON became a commercial company in 2004 with the release of Fate/stay night, TYPE-MOON was a doujin circle. And before TYPE-MOON became a doujin circle in 2000 with the release of Tsukihime, Takeuchi and Nasu were publishing other doujinshis under various circle names, including Bamboo Broom (竹箒) and CoCiCaCe CLUB (腰掛倶楽部).
The following are some of the pre-2000 doujinshis drawn by Takeuchi (most of them also done with informal guidance from Nasu). These are arguably some of the rarest doujinshis for TYPE-MOON collectors; most of these will cost you over 10k yen sealed, if you can even find them for sale at all. I was lucky enough to snatch them from Mandarake for a total of 70,000 yen (they are all unsealed B condition, hence the cheaper prices) - my guess was someone earlier that day decided to sell their precious Takeuchi collection and I was online at the right time (unfortunately I was too slow to snatch fragments and Maid-san wa Majo).
Thick envelope from Mandarake... I was kinda expecting better padding for a 70,000 yen EMS order...
At least they all arrived safely ^_^
All the doujinshi laid out
Angel Voice
- Title: Angel Voice ([้indȝəl][vɔis])
- Series: original
- Circle: CoCiCaCe CLUB (腰掛倶楽部)
- Authors: Takashi Hamada (はまだたかし), Takashi Takeuchi(武内崇), Nasu Kinoko (奈須きのこ)
- Release dates: 1999/05/04 (Comitia 48, first release), 1999/09/30 (???, 2nd edition reprint), 2001/05/13 (Comic Revolution 29, in Tsukihime Dokuhon)
- Price: ???
- Specs: 36p, B5
- Tsuki-kan entry
- Mandarake info
- Mandarake sale
- Suruga-ya entry
- 8p by Hamada of random character sketches
- 10p by Takeuchi of "Clowick canaan-vail" doujinshi, reprinted in Tsukihime Dokuhon (月姫読本), digitalized in Tsukihime ~Half Moon Edition~ (月姫~半月板~).
- 12p by Nasu of "Notes." short novel, reprinted in Tsukihime Dokuhon (月姫読本)
- page 23 includes an artwork of TYPE-VENUS that is not reprinted in Tsukihime Dokuhon or anywhere else
- Scans/translations of "Clowick canaan-vail" and "Notes." can be found online, could not find scans of Hamada's sketches
Front cover
First page
Hamada Takashi's part, just some random sketches as far as I could tell
Takeuchi Takashi's part, Clowick canaan-vail
Nasu Kinoko's part, Notes.
Takeuchi artwork of TYPE-VENUS for that doesn't appear in the Tsukihime Dokuhon reprint
My copy is the 1999/09/30 2nd edition reprint ;(
Back cover
- Title: YOU-GOD (ゆ~じん)
- Series: original
- Circle: CoCiCaCe CLUB (腰掛倶楽部)
- Authors: Takashi Takeuchi(武内崇)
- Release dates: 1999/08/29 (Comitia 49)
- Price: ???
- Specs: 12p, B5 (stapled)
- Mandarake info
- Mandarake sale
- 7p doujinshi, 1p post-script, 2p sketches,
- Could not find any scans anywhere online
Front cover
First page
Last page with post-script
Back cover
Lucky Maid-S
- Title: Lucky Maid-S (~らっきーめいず~)
- Series: original
- Circle: TYPE-MOON
- Authors: OKSG, Takashi Takeuchi (武内崇)
- Release dates: 1999/12/24 (Comiket 57), 2001/02/11 (Comitia 55, just as Maid-san wa Majo (メイドさんは魔女))
- Price: ???
- Specs: 32p, B5 (stapled)
- Tsuki-kan entry
- Mandarake info
- Mandarake sale
- 9p by OKSG of "Etou-san wa Shinpai-sei (江藤さんは心配性)" doujinshi
- 16p by Takeuchi of "Maid-san wa Majo (メイドさんは魔女)" doujinshi, reprinted as a standalone doujinshi in 2001/02/11
- Scans/translations of "Maid-san wa Majo" can be found online, could not find any scans of "Etou-san wa Shinpai-sei"
Front cover
Takeuchi x OKSG
OKSG's half, 江藤さんは心配性
Takeuchi's half, メイドさんは魔女
Back cover
Valkyria Episode 1 "SVAHILDER" + α
- Title: Valkyria Episode1 "SVAHILDER" + α
- Series: Valkyria
- Circle: Bamboo Broom (竹箒)
- Authors: Takashi Takeuchi(武内崇)
- Release dates: 1998-11-23 (Comitia 47 incomplete edition), 1999/08/15 (Comiket 56, 1st edition), 1999/09/20 (???, 2nd edition reprint), 2000/05/05 (Comitia 52, 2nd edition reprint)
- Price: ???
- Specs: 58p, B5
- The Fifth Heaven of Hlodj fansite
- Tsuki-kan entry
- Mandarake sale
- Suruga-ya entry
- 40p of "Valkyria Episode1 "SVAHILDER""
- 14p of "Valkyria Episode1.5 "SIGURUNE""
- Full scans of the book can be found online
Front cover
First page
Last page - I got the 2000/05/05 2nd edition reprint ;(
Back cover
- Title: Valkyria2 TEMPORARY EDITION
- Series: Valkyria
- Circle: Bamboo Broom (竹箒)
- Authors: Takashi Takeuchi(武内崇)
- Release dates: 1999/08/15 (Comiket 56)
- Price: ???
- Specs: 28p, B5
- The Fifth Heaven of Hlodj fansite
- Tsuki-kan entry
- Mandarake sale
- Suruga-ya entry
- 22p of Valkyria2 Episode "QROWBET"
- Full scans of the book can be found online
Front cover
First page
Last page
Back cover
Valkyria NEAV SAGA
- Title: Valkyria NEAV SAGA
- Series: Valkyria
- Circle: Bamboo Broom (竹箒)
- Authors: Takashi Takeuchi(武内崇)
- Release dates: 1999/12/24 (Comiket 57)
- Price: ???
- Specs: 32p, B5
- The Fifth Heaven of Hlodj fansite
- Tsuki-kan entry
- Mandarake sale
- Suruga-ya entry (inaccurate date)
- 12p of "Valkyria NEAV SAGA" doujinshi reprint (originally released Comitia 48)
- 14p of "Valkyria NEAV SAGA II" doujinshi reprint (originally released Comitia 50)
- Full scans of the book can be found online
Front cover
First page
Valkyria NEAV SAGA
Back page
I also managed to win the auction for Valkyria NEAV SAGA II separately but haven't gotten around to taking pics for that. No idea how Valkyria NEAV SAGA Episode00 looks though. Still on the hunt for fragments, 天然苫戸, and a copy of Maid-San wa Majo that isn't going to cost me 40k yen >_< There's also these with Takeuchi guest pages and a bunch of other confusing entries on nmisaki's timeline page (partially translated at Tsuki-kan) but for now, it's just a "see-what-I-can-find" game. In the meanwhile, I also just recently ordered a cheap scanner from Amazon though, so when that arrives, I'll be able to take proper scans of these (instead of crappy camera pics).