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The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works)

Still sick - *sigh*

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Next Fic to be Updated: Trinity VII: The Twilight

Completion Level: 2 pages (approx. 20%)

Estimated Upload Date: Sunday December 22

It's slowly lessening, but it's not giving up the fight - damn it. Anyways, I'll keep going as best I can.


  1. Xamusel's Avatar
    I hope you get over the illness soon. I'd be happy to see you update the Grail Works story before the New Year (January 1st of next year).
  2. Kieran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xamusel
    I hope you get over the illness soon. I'd be happy to see you update the Grail Works story before the New Year (January 1st of next year).
    Oh, I think I can manage that - this thing is giving up slowly, but I'm winning.
  3. Xamusel's Avatar
    That's good to hear. I really hope you get over it fast.