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Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ No Include

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So. No one added me for Puzzles and Dragons. Do people not play that game?
Either way I'm late because my friend had a birthday yesterday.
So I'm going to split Gilgamesh into three parts because it's long and I'm very busy. Either way here is Gilgamesh part 1.


Because you can't include the King.

人類最古の英雄・ギルガメッシュの能力を得る。かつて、この世の財のすべてを手に入れた王の宝物庫には、あ らゆる宝具の原典が收められている。まっとうな英霊ではギルガメッシュに対して勝ち目はない。英霊の頂点と 呼ぶに相応しい英霊だが...。
The ability of humanity's most ancient hero Gilgamesh is obtained. Once, the king who obtained every single treasure in the world's warehouse stored every Noble Phantasm's original. Proper Heroic Spirits have no chance against Gilgamesh. It is appropriate to call him the apex of Heroic Spirits however...

Noble Phantasm

現在、宝物庫はさながら国取り合戦のように、ギルカードを使うアンジェリカと子ギルによって二分されている 。とは言え現状、子ギルが取り出せる宝具は基本的に低ランクのもので、その数も総数とは比べるべくも無いよ うだ。
Gate of Babylon
King's Treasure

Connects to the golden capital Babylon and pulls out all the Noble Phantasms stored in its treasury. True form is a key-sword.
Currently, the treasury is in the middle of a turf war, split into that of the Gil-card using Angelica and Ko-Gil. Nonetheless currently, the Noble Phantasms Ko-Gil takes out are fundementally low rank ones. That number cannot be compared to the total.

As always questions, concerns, corrections, rubies, people, PAD IDs are all welcome in the comments.

Updated October 26th, 2014 at 01:40 AM by You



  1. LJ3's Avatar
    Wasn't that in Zankyou no Terror?

    Though thanks for reminder about Babi-lu (if that's what the key sword is called).
  2. Mcjon01's Avatar
    The と in 黄金の都バビロンへと is not an 'and'.
  3. You's Avatar
    oh double particle cool. Thanks
    What does this have to do with Zankyou no Terror.
  4. Mcjon01's Avatar
    That's, uh, not quite what I was getting at.

    黄金の都バビロンへと路を繋げ、宝物庫に収められたあらゆる宝具を取り出す。= Connects (a path) to the golden capital Babylon and pulls out all the Noble Phantasms stored in its treasury.
  5. Mcjon01's Avatar
    Also I made my PAD account on the JP servers.
  6. You's Avatar
    bleh okay I knew there was something with how I did the first line. Thanks for that.
    I was like okay so it says it's pulling out NPs but he's never pulled out his entire stock before so that would be weird.

    Also I made my PAD account on the JP servers.
    Yeah I knew that. I was just wondering if anyone else on BL had an account on the NA servers.
    Btw did you re-roll until you got your first god?
    Updated October 26th, 2014 at 01:44 AM by You
  7. LJ3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by You
    oh double particle cool. Thanks
    What does this have to do with Zankyou no Terror.
    sorry, I think the Puzzle and Dragons game got a scene in that show.
  8. You's Avatar
    Oh wow that's cool. Haven't watched that anime yet.