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just Beamu

This wait is slowly driving me to madness

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As the release of Xenoblade Chronicles X draws ever closer I am slowly being driven mad by not yet having it. I won't even be able to get it tomorrow when it releases for reasons and it will be weeks before I can play it. I will have to go for weeks of obsessively avoiding spoilers and the like. The only thing that will sate my hunger for the time being is the soundtrack.

Including all of the horrible rapping it entails.
Along with all the glorious Mika that it will involve.
Even the songs sung by American singers are awkwardly worded as all hell.
I don't even speak German, but this probably sounds awkward in German.
But I can't help but like the music anyway. The Sawano rap has infected my brain. I need help.

It is only made worse/better by Snow and I listening to the entire vocal soundtrack while mocking the stupid lyrics over Skype.

Updated December 3rd, 2015 at 11:04 PM by just Beamu



  1. Laith's Avatar
    Black tar is the best unironically
  2. just Beamu's Avatar
    I like the instrumentation to all of these, but I unironically like Uncontrollable better because Mika Kobayashi makes everything sound better.