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Past-Me Sucks

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Since I had nothing better to do, I checked my Favorites list in You see, some of that stuff dates back when I first joined that site, and was still learning English. Plus, I was really young back then, meaning my lack of judgement was bad times two.

Mother of God, I was so stupid... so many poorly written pieces of shit with bad grammar, horrible plot, awful smut and whatnot. Excuse me while I purge that list of this cancer.

... Although it wasn't completely bad news. There are some pretty good fics that I'm sure to re-read, and even some of the abandoned ones are good enough to deserve a spot on the list.


  1. Laith's Avatar
    the folly of our youth will always haunt us
  2. Draconic's Avatar
    Yeah, I know the feeling. I've purged a fair bit of stuff myself. I had this phase where all I read was fanfiction. I didn't have an eye for quality yet. Now I do, and subscribe to the entirely correct belief that all fanfiction is garbage except for very special exceptions. (I desperately hope mine are exceptions).

    Honestly though, I favorite a lot of things just to keep track of things that held my interest. If I really like a story, I favorite the author.