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Melty Blood Manga Rant part 4

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Since I'm in a happy mood. Part 4

Part 4: Melty Blood Act 2

Well. TBH, I actually skipped a few videos to this joke route. Sion with it could have been funny as the randomness made her pass out. Well. It adapted pretty well except for when Shiki is with Arc but as Celsius said, Sion already returned to Atlas (Why that never applied during MBAA, we do not know. I mean Sion was still in Misaki in MBAA and did not felt like she returned to Altas at all or something.) I guess the author had to make up with Arc not getting as much screentime as the last 6 volumes. (she had a good amount but still.)

Yeah. TBH. It feels more like a positive comment than a rant. (which is shocking)

Wait till we get to the worst part of all. Melty Blood X. Ugh..... I'm not going to be happy about ranting about it.

And like part 2. Weakest rant ever. And I still hate the art even in MB Act 2 that I feel like slamming everyone in the manga.

To be concluded (or not)


  1. Crown's Avatar
    Wait, how the fuck would you rant about X?