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Top Secret Files of a Mental Fugitive, Exposed

[Warning: You are reading into the thoughts of a paranoid man with restrained rage and outrageous beliefs. Some language, in formality or context, may not be suitable for very young audiences and certain people with easily stressed sensitivities. Viewer discretion is advised.

By reading this blog, you are acknowledging that you are psychologically mature and ready to read anything presented.]

  1. Transmission #6: My Thoughts on Punks

    by , February 27th, 2012 at 08:30 AM (Top Secret Files of a Mental Fugitive, Exposed)
    "Rambozo, Rambozo, Rambozo The Clown!"

    Ha ha. I really like that song. Along with the few others that were played by The Dead Kennedys. Really. I always had a love for history and listening to them felt as if I was reading the general mood of the most pure punks of US during the 70s. And considering that some of their songs still are applicable today, such as the song quoted here "Rambozo The Clown", which can be correlated to rise of "realistic" FPS shooters ...
  2. Transmission #5: I.E.D. (Irate Explosive Device)

    by , February 22nd, 2012 at 04:48 PM (Top Secret Files of a Mental Fugitive, Exposed)

    This week, I haven't been able to blog or write something, even though I said to myself that I will love blogging. Really. Maybe I could dump some of my random ideas here and turn this goddamned whinebox into a idea mine instead or maybe train my writing skills by writing random scenes in my head using my characters. (By the way, damn, I still can't get myself to finish that Regalia lemon, and it was supposed to be done last year...then I got sick again during the month it was ...
  3. Transmission #4: The Waifu Experience (And Other Nonsense)

    by , February 15th, 2012 at 03:46 PM (Top Secret Files of a Mental Fugitive, Exposed)
    Alright, I was to rant again about 4chan, specifically /jp/, because they refuse change and new boards on the grounds that they think their elitism isn't the reason their board is shitty, even though it is the utmost reason why /jp/ is like that. But since BL is here, I just won another AI match on DotA and I found that the Butterfly is really worth it's gold, I am just gonna write about my beloved Ordinary Magician of Red Dreams and Gensokyo's #2 ass-kicker, Marisa Kirisame.

    Yes, ...
  4. Transmission #3: Nothing to be Played

    by , February 12th, 2012 at 07:49 AM (Top Secret Files of a Mental Fugitive, Exposed)
    I dunno.

    It's boring. Really fucking boring. I mean, right now, I don't know what to write on this goddamned blog and I'm still forcing myself to write on it. I, at first, figured out that maybe I should post a poem about something. The problem is, aside from that I'm shitty with poetry, what will the topic all about? Nature? Internet? Marisa? Politics? Food? Boredom?


    So I pretty much figured out that maybe I should just write gaming bullshit on ...
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