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Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection

Because some things make sense, others don't yet no one cares, and still others just make everything awesome.
Be wary of any phrases with the initials 'AM'. Those associated with the power of game-breaking oft use those initials.
Allow to introduce everyone:
Shinryu: *wearing a Met-hat that has 'Tsundere' written on it* Shinryu.
Roe: *sweating from a round of DDR* ...Roe 'Rokai' Kunikai.
Melissa: *over the screams of a thousand tortured families* Melissa Malakai!
Hatsuki: *with a deck of magic-infused Tarot cards ready* Hatsuki Towada.
Luna: *sitting in a stolen Wily Capsule powered by Blitzstrahl* Luna Sepperin!
Raftel: *'ports in, armed to the teeth with Plasma Cannons, despite only having two arms* Heee~ey, it's Raftel Branford!
Now, if you excuse me... *hums the Grand Fonic Hymn*

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