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Who are these jerks?

Backstories, random facts, and miscellaneous stuff on my 'co-commentators'. Awe-inspiring music is involved.

  1. Who is Who? or Who are these jerks?: Luna

    by , May 8th, 2012 at 08:50 PM (Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection)
    Iris Sepperin was a brilliant, if terrible, girl, who had risen to power and fallen gracelessly at the ripe age of (somewhere between fourteen and twenty).
    Having been born as the reincarnation of the legendary mage Rosenkreuz, she had at her disposal the knowledge of such a powerful and selfless individual. What she did NOT inherit was his selfless and kind attitude.
    Having grown with such great knowledge, Iris saw the world as her plaything, her toy, her belonging. Growing ...
  2. Who is Who? or Who are these jerks?: Hatsuki

    by , April 16th, 2012 at 12:25 AM (Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection)
    Roe's entry mentions Hatsuki Towada in a rather unfavorable light. Let us elaborate on her and her situation.

    REverse: beginning to end
    Hatsuki Towada was your average little girl, innocent and uninvolved in any damning act. Why, had Roe never noticed the Kunikai bloodline, she would've lived an average life and died an average death, unusual events surrounding her lifetime not withstanding.
    Of course, that wouldn't have made for an exciting story behind Hatsuki.
    One ...

    Updated May 12th, 2012 at 01:44 AM by kuniKaiRoe

    Who are these jerks?
  3. Who is Who? or Who are these jerks?: Roe/Rokai

    by , March 26th, 2012 at 10:50 PM (Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection)
    Warning: Long. Also, kinda spoilery. And kinda trampling on morals. And not for the weak soul who pines for happy endings.
    Remember what I said about Doppels being the personification of a person's sins, fears, and doubts in Melissa's entry? Cuz that's important here.
    There once lived a powerful mage by the name of Jane Haart. Granted the power of Purity, she learned from a mad seer that 'Purity is the curse that shall bring low all of creation'.
    Jane didn't particularly mind that. ...
  4. Who is Who? or Who are these jerks?: Melissa

    by , March 21st, 2012 at 09:53 PM (Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection)
    And to continue my spree:
    Melissa Malakai: as stated many times before, the personification of the sins, fears, and doubts of a 'pure' maiden, who I will now name as the mostly-OC Eri Kunikai.
    Now, such personifications - hereafter referred to as Doppels - tend to have appearances and abilities similar to those they are made from (with one or two exceptions). They tend to be rather delusional and insane when created (once again, with one or two exceptions). They are also able to die ...
  5. Who is Who? or Who are these jerks?: Shinryu

    by , March 19th, 2012 at 10:23 PM (Scavenged from the Wonderland of Rebirth: Artificial Memorial of Perfection)
    Some people have questioned whether on who Shinryu is or why I have some people named Melissa, Roe, etc. 'co-commenting'.
    Let it be said here that these (currently) three people are Original Characters from my internal tumult I call a story canon, who are mainly based on bits and pieces of my personality and, sometimes, the personalities/ideas/bduh of others, and somehow given backstories.

    Shinryu: the Divine Dragon himself, based off of the Final Fantasy series, Duodecim in particular, ...

    Updated September 5th, 2012 at 10:46 PM by kuniKaiRoe

    Who are these jerks?