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  1. Why Sakura is my favorite heroine even though I haven't finished Fate/Stay Night.

    While I may not be incredibly active/vocal on the forum I do know that I have at least mentioned once that Sakura is my favorite heroine of FSN. So much so that I was really upset by the fact I couldn't do her route first :c But I got over that.

    Even though I haven't gotten to Heaven's Feel yet, FATE was all I needed to fall for the girl. For several reason:
    • Purple Hair - Purple is my favorite color so whenever I come across a character that
  2. I found a way to make writing my VN(s) easier + VN Details

    I want to kick myself for not realizing to do this soon. This begin this:

    >MC wakes up in field. Looks around.

    >Sees he is being laid on by a really cute girl.

    >Girl wakes up and introduces herself as Libri. Says she is his
    'servant' and that he is a great hero that is supposed to save the
    world from evil.

    >MC freaks out saying he is not and he just wants to go home.

    >Libri agrees (dishearteningly)
  3. I kinda wanna make a Shinji F/SN route. + Other Fate/Alternates

    In Ren'py.

    But Alas! I suck ballz at writing.

    and I'm not really sure how that would go anyways... Or how Sakura would take it.

    I mean losing your beloved to your sister sucks, losing him to a random foreign girl who came out of no where sucks even more, but losing your beloved to your 'brother' who has been raping, and abusing you for years...

    Could make her go full DS...

    Yeah. If I did a Shinji Route it would probably ...
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