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Elf's Random Musings

  1. Publishing Acceptance For the Win!

    So, last night, in a fit of squee, I got an email from Pill Hill Press, the main publisher I've been getting my stuff published by, stating that they've accepted my story "Cautionary Tales" for their anthology Use More Gun. It's their third in their monster hunter anthology series. I got published in their first one, rejected for the second, and did a follow up story for the one that was in the first one and boom accepted.

    If you want to know more about my other published works you could, you know, click on this link. It's awesome. ...
  2. Sexual Preference Analysis Part One: Matou Shinji Really Needs To Come Out of the Closet

    So, several fellow fic writers are doing character studies. Which is really neat, but it's not something I can really do. Most of my characterization is internal, it's a gut reaction. There's a lot of going with my gut when I write. There's also a lot of analyzing too (at one point I need to do a blog about Archer and Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome), but there's a lot that only makes sense to me. Because I'm crazy.

    However, there is something I can share involving analyzing
  3. Not Emo, I Swear. More Iron Maiden than Linkin Park . . .

    So at work, doing more overtime, I found a copy of "Writer's Digest" in my desk that a coworker had given me. I was leafing through it, and a lot of the tips in it I have in more detailed format in a book on how to write horror. So I'm flipping through and find an interview with Robert Kirkman.

    You know, the guy who created "The Walking Dead" and "Invincible" as well as working on numerous other comic projects. Hell, the guy even writes for the TV show ...
  4. Cautionary Tales

    So I'm working on this project and I don't know . . .

    I love my idea. I really do. The theme is Monster Hunts Gone Wrong. The title for this anthology is "UMG"- "Use More Gun" and its the third and final Monster Hunter anthology in the series being published by Pill Hill Press. I made the first one, couldn't really get anything going for the second (the call was given right around when my house was broken into and all of my jewelry stolen), but I like the idea ...
  5. The State of Linkin Park

    Sometimes being a girl in a predominantly male fandom rather and truly sucks. Being a girl with a fair amount of talent in a predominantly male fandom with predominantly male writers is just as worse. It seems lately I'm just getting attacked wherever I go because either because I have no luck or because of my gender.

    For example we temp ban a member, who should have honestly been temp banded a while back, and I'm the one who gets called a Jackboot wearing Nazi on another forum. ...
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