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Elf's Random Musings

  1. Sensory Immersion in Writing

    So, I have this weird thing about scent in writing. I think it comes from the fact that I have chronic sinus problems and my sense of smell is very dull. So I describe scents in my writing quite a bit.

    I tend to write about vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures with enhanced senses of smell too so there's that too. Plus I know how much predators rely on that specific scent. My father did study wolves for 14 years when I was growing up before switching to the medical ...
  2. A Great Man Named Charles.

    My Grandfather is a great man.

    He hailed from California, before fighting in both World War II and the Korean War, he was a Firefighter who jumped onto the site with a parachute, a deep sea spear fisher, abalone diver, and surfer. He came from a proper family that also had its share of artists. Not to mention he served in both World War II and the Korean War, so not did he do all of this awesome stuff he was also a hero for our country.

    Then he married my grandmother ...
  3. Urban Fantasy and Breaking The Heroic Vampire Mold

    Crimson was bleeding into the edges of Forest’s vision as hyperawareness overtook her. Canines began to lengthen, sharpen, and throb in her jaw, poking painfully at her lower lip. An odd stillness overtook her as she eyed the furrows carved in the Camaro’s side before looking at the charging werewolves. Her hand went to her gun, the handle all too familiar in her hands. The revolver slid free of its holster before it was leveled at the closest werewolf. Her thumb pulled the hammer back. The
  4. What Comes With Age . . .

    It's been a while since I've made an actual blog entry, and I've got a lot of stuff on my mind right now. I figured I'd blog about it. Or something.

    In about a week is my 30th birthday. In about seven days I'll turn 30 years old, one of those roadmarks of "old age". It is also traditionally the hallmark of being a true "adult", and it's making me think.

    I've had people tell me that being 30 is much better than being in one's twenties, but still it's ...
  5. . . . Write Fanfic? Get Paid? Mind Blown . . .

    So, My mind is blown.

    I really have no idea what to think of this, but certain companies are allowing people to write and sell fanfics. Sure the royalties aren't as high for the author as it would be for an original work, but people are going to apparently get paid for their Damon/Alric slash (because The Vampire Diaries is one of the advertised properties). Just, as you see on the page, one cannot write porn. Hell, they have to be careful on how much harsh language that they ...
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