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Elf's Random Musings

  1. Sad Day

    Those who've read my blog and have visited my Amazon page are aware that Pill Hill Press is the company that has published a bulk of my work. They were the ones who took a chance on a previously unpublished author and published their work. Then they liked my stuff well enough to publish me four times after that. They were a joy to work with and paid me to do what I love doing the most.

    Well, I just got an Email stating that they are closing their doors and all short stories that ...
  2. Publishing Acceptance For the Win!

    So, last night, in a fit of squee, I got an email from Pill Hill Press, the main publisher I've been getting my stuff published by, stating that they've accepted my story "Cautionary Tales" for their anthology Use More Gun. It's their third in their monster hunter anthology series. I got published in their first one, rejected for the second, and did a follow up story for the one that was in the first one and boom accepted.

    If you want to know more about my other published works you could, you know, click on this link. It's awesome. ...