Blog Comments

  1. Theocrass's Avatar
  2. Enhance's Avatar
    I've been fine.

    This was such a lonely non-commented blog entry.
  3. SeiKeo's Avatar
    Apple and zlol both. To be frank, you'd be better asking them: I haven't lived in the country for over a decade.
  4. TetsuoS2's Avatar
    Congrats Ru~

    I think Apple is also Singaporean.
  5. Ruu-tan's Avatar

    I think I did mention college, just not where. Singapore isn't very far compared to, say, China; You only need about one-hour flight from my hometown lol. Otherwise my parents wouldn't have let me go.



    ... Can I do that?
  6. Theocrass's Avatar
    *Hugs Ruu-tan.*


    You should probably talk to ... someone from Singapore!

    I would say Leo, maybe.
  7. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    Oh, huh, I didn't know you were going so far away for college.

    Either that or you mentioned it during one of our conversations and I forgot. I can admit to that.
  8. Ruu-tan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan The Mouse
    ...I finished the whole video.
    ... You have my whole and full respect, sir.
  9. ZidanReign's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RadiantBeam
  10. RadiantBeam's Avatar
  11. Ivan The Mouse's Avatar
    ...I finished the whole video.
  12. ZidanReign's Avatar
  13. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    At least it's not Crazy Frog.
  14. Ruu-tan's Avatar
    Forget it, I can't stand less than 5 minutes of this and I'm starting to question my priorities and sanity.
  15. Ruu-tan's Avatar
    Everyone is trying to collect evidence against the teacher at this moment. It'd be difficult to prove the extortion though, because they never received a receipt from the gold digger. She hasn't said anything about her classmates giving statements though....

    I should have put up more details on this... The Japanese teacher is a native Japanese and member of this Japanese community of which my friends are in through their Japanese private school/course. They never said whether they've informed the local teachers on this though....
  16. Kotonoha's Avatar
    These darples try to fade me.

    Also this teacher sounds kinda nuts.
  17. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    Sorry, Koto. But your wiki is in another post.

    (I have no fucking idea how that got there. Seriously. I must've thought I copied something else to paste in there...)
  18. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    In that case, I'd urge you to get the rest of them banded up. If this friend of yours has to go it alone, the burden of proof is, admittedly, on the defense.

    Otherwise, without someone else coming forward, your friend is probably not going to come out of this very well.

    AND GO TALK TO THE FUCKING PRINICPAL ABOUT THIS ALREADY. If you can get even one of your other friends summoned in there who is willing to confirm this to them, that can change the game. Complacency is going to kill you. Again, one person can be written off as a silly accusation, but it's a lot harder to think a group of six people is lying.
  19. Ruu-tan's Avatar

    She was trying to warn the kohai from being extorted, but yeah.

    I heard the money was for their study-tour or some sort. Still didn't make them less pissed-off, but people here would rather stay quiet and hope that the same shit won't hit twice unless they have the money.

    The other students are her schoolmates -- I personally know them too. I think my friend is more worried of avoiding courts than sue the teacher for the past. Even if the other students want to help out, I don't think their parents would allow it; Everyone here usually stay out of troubles when they can, even when they could have helped out... Argh.

    Now more bad news: Kohai has failed. The gold digger already hired two lawyers for the case. Overkill, I'd say, against a seventeen-year-old.
  20. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    ...If anything, the biggest mistake is that she went to a kohai and not to the principal. Still doesn't make it any less disgusting.

    If the accusations are indeed true, it's not slander, and if they are true, I hope she gets shitcanned. Extorting students... that's fucking wrong, It's that simple. If you're going to take money from someone, be fair and give them what they expect. Education, even in a private, pay-for school, is not something you should be forced to pay the teacher directly for or she'll flunk the shit out of you.

    Absolutely no respect or sympathy if the accusations are proven true. The best thing you could do for her would be to see if you can find out who these other students are that she has supposedly extorted, and convince them to act as a group - then she's going to have to sue ALL of them and that's a lot harder to do, not to mention generating a whole lot more publicity and attention; doing this alone may damn well make her drop it because if she's found guilty, then she's really fucked.

    It's easy to silence an individual, but it's much harder to silence a crowd.
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