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  1. Quickly I have a 3DS (for a few days)! what do I do with it? / Best Buy's PS2 and PSP .99 cents sale madness

    by , February 20th, 2013 at 02:15 PM (Nicktendonick's Blog)
    Two things, pretty much the titles.

    The first one, at a best buy I saw a 3DS on clearance, the original red version. While I do want one myself, I called my friend and asked him if he wanted it.
    So, I bought it, and now I'm sitting on it until he comes to pay the 100 and I give it to him. He said I can play it if I'd like. So the title...
    "Quickly! I have a 3DS! What do I do with it?"

    Second, this sale. ...
  2. Phantasty Star Online 2 is awesome

    by , January 20th, 2013 at 03:15 AM (Nicktendonick's Blog)
    And just as addicting as I remembered PSO1 for my gamecube.

    Ahhh, memories.

    I'll make a real blog post later.
  3. Help Wanted #02 - Laptop choosings confusion

    by , January 2nd, 2013 at 03:04 AM (Nicktendonick's Blog)
    Well, turns out I might be able to exchange the laptop I have, which can't run the high end stuff, for one that can.

    Money is a issue, and I do wish I could get what I want (play PC games decently, enjoy PSO2) at the cheapest price possible.
    are the two that I've been suggested ...
  4. Project Bacterium

    by , December 21st, 2012 at 04:45 AM (Nicktendonick's Blog)
    Well, this end of the year stuff, there's at least one thing that's good that's come from it.

    An idea that's been brewing in my head for quite some time. The idea, and concept to create a premier Survival Horror game.
    I've been talking to a friend who's trying to start his own indie videogame developer company (which currently, is him as an artist and his friend who's a programmer.)

    The things I pitched to him on how the game is, the story/plot, and how the gameplay ...
  5. Street Fighter x Megaman free 8-bit megaman game by capcom (free december 17th)

    by , December 9th, 2012 at 02:56 AM (Nicktendonick's Blog)
    Do we have a megaman thread? If not, we must.

    Enjoy the good news people. This looks pretty sweet. I'm definitely picking it up
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