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Hello you special snowflake you.

  1. Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ Basically CMIV Word for Word

    What the title said. At we least we got ranks.

    直感は戦闘における第六感だが、"啓示"は目標の達成に関する事象全て(例えば旅の途中で最適の道を選ぶ) に適応する。
    Revelation: A
    Equivalent Skill to Instinct.
    Instinct is a sixth sense regarding battle however, Revelation concerns all things related to the achievement of an objective (For example taking a trip and finding the optimal path).
    As there is no basis (so it seems ...

    Updated June 7th, 2015 at 12:42 PM by You

  2. Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ After Two Days You and PAD is Like Dead

    So truth be told I expected weapons pages from Vol 5 more than Ruler sheets. And I wasn't going to really do the weapons sheets, but then these came out so now I have put You and PAD on hold. Either way here are the class skills for Ruler.

    Oh yeah these probably could have been done earlier but I was editing my story which is now finished.

    セイバーの対魔力に加え、揺るぎない信仰心によって高い抗魔力を発揮する。ただし、魔術を逸らして(かわし て)いるだけなので、広範囲魔術攻撃の場合、助かるのはジャンヌだけである。教会の秘蹟には対 応しない。
    Magic ...
  3. Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ Ranks

    So this the last of the Prisma stuff. Since I've been getting busier I told myself that I'd take a break for a while after this. I know I want to try to do stuff for Apo Materials when it comes out and also UBW's animation materials as long as the dictionary entries are as short as they were for Zero's animation materials.

    子ギルが身につけていたお守り。日食を象った金細工で、装備者の回避率を大きく向上させ、Dランク以下の飛 び道具を無効化する。攻撃を無効化すること金細工の日の欠けは大きくなっていき、やがて欠けが日の大きさに 達し消失する。

    Updated November 9th, 2014 at 01:08 AM by You

  4. Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ 不明

    So I had a very busy week this week. And I'm also sick. So yeah. Sick.

    正確には宝具名ではなく、乖離剣エアの全開状態を指す。遥かな太古、世界を切り裂き天と地とを分けたとされ る星造兵装。圧縮され交互に反転する人知を超えた暴風の断層は、時空断層を伴い世界ごと対象を 粉砕する。
    Enuma Elish
    Star of Creation that Separated Sky and Earth
    : EX
    Not exactly the Noble Phantasm name but refers to the sword of separation Ea’s full release form. It is considered the planet creating weapon that in the distant past separated the sky and earth. Through compression via alternating ...
  5. Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ No Include

    So. No one added me for Puzzles and Dragons. Do people not play that game?
    Either way I'm late because my friend had a birthday yesterday.
    So I'm going to split Gilgamesh into three parts because it's long and I'm very busy. Either way here is Gilgamesh part 1.


    Because you can't include the King.

    人類最古の英雄・ギルガメッシュの能力を得る。かつて、この世の財のすべてを手に入れた王の宝物庫には、あ らゆる宝具の原典が收められている。まっとうな英霊ではギルガメッシュに対して勝ち目はない。英霊の頂点と 呼ぶに相応しい英霊だが...。

    Updated October 26th, 2014 at 01:40 AM by You

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