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Hello you special snowflake you.

  1. Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ Basically CMIV Word for Word

    What the title said. At we least we got ranks.

    直感は戦闘における第六感だが、"啓示"は目標の達成に関する事象全て(例えば旅の途中で最適の道を選ぶ) に適応する。
    Revelation: A
    Equivalent Skill to Instinct.
    Instinct is a sixth sense regarding battle however, Revelation concerns all things related to the achievement of an objective (For example taking a trip and finding the optimal path).
    As there is no basis (so it seems ...

    Updated June 7th, 2015 at 12:42 PM by You

  2. Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ After Two Days You and PAD is Like Dead

    So truth be told I expected weapons pages from Vol 5 more than Ruler sheets. And I wasn't going to really do the weapons sheets, but then these came out so now I have put You and PAD on hold. Either way here are the class skills for Ruler.

    Oh yeah these probably could have been done earlier but I was editing my story which is now finished.

    セイバーの対魔力に加え、揺るぎない信仰心によって高い抗魔力を発揮する。ただし、魔術を逸らして(かわし て)いるだけなので、広範囲魔術攻撃の場合、助かるのはジャンヌだけである。教会の秘蹟には対 応しない。
    Magic ...