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Hero of the Sun

  1. Monstrous Music

    You know there is a lot of weird and frankly horrible videos running around YouTube nowadays that surfing through the channels ain't that fun anymore.

    But there are still gems out there like this for example:

    This is for me, is what YouTube is truly about. This guy is scarily talented, hope he does more songs!
  2. There is a god!?

    Here I am browsing the releases for the PS3 as I intend to buy one soon enough. Lo and behold I found out that Okami was getting a 1080 HD remake for the PS3.

    Okami was a wonderful game when it was first released back in the PS2. Not that it wasn't unpopular but most gamers often pass it by due to its unusual art style. It slowly spread by word of mouth that it was a great game that was a worth a try and those that did never looked back. It had a fantastic story, a wonderful world and ...

    Updated July 4th, 2012 at 09:49 AM by Hero of the Sun

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