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Imperial Privilege

Ranting, raving and a whole lot of time wasting

  1. I Am Not Romantic

    by , November 3rd, 2014 at 11:34 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    My girlfriend and I can make for a very dull couple.

    We're that stereotypical couple that talks about where to eat before we fire up a movie on Netflix. I'm not complaining, but it can get pretty old.

    How do I spice up my love life?

    I've tried to take her dancing a few times, but she's too self-conscious to do that very often.

    We go to yoga together, but she has lingering injuries after she was thrown off of a horse when she was very young. ...
  2. Gilgamesh vs. The World

    by , September 14th, 2014 at 02:46 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    I'm actually making some headway on the Seven Samurai (with magi) pitch I've made both in the Fanfic Idea Thread and an earlier blog. The working title is Magnificence, both as a play on The Magnificent Seven (Seven Samurai with cowboys) and a MacGuffin hidden in the bowels of a magi's workshop. Just an outline right now, sketching out the general content of chapters and the placement of some scenes that have already come to me

    But it also got me thinking about another old idea of mine, ...
  3. Health Problems

    by , September 9th, 2014 at 09:14 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    Got my blood tested a week ago. Low testosterone. Have to give myself a shot every two weeks so I don't lose any more muscle or sleep or libido or peace of mind.

    Passed something like a kidney stone two nights ago. Passed one again the next morning. Explains the pain and the trouble urinating for the past week. Feeling fine since then, but why have them at all?

    I'm 26. I'm otherwise healthy, my doctor tells me. How long is that going to be the case when these things ...
  4. I finally watched Fate/Zero

    by , August 21st, 2014 at 07:39 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    I've never actually seen it in its entirety before this week, which was a huge marathon of the English version. I caught a few subtitled episodes here and there as it was airing, but I've never been big on subs.

    I figured I had already read the translation over on Baka-Tsuki (HIPSTER MODE ENGAGED), so there wasn't anything the series could really add to my experience other than the visual sparkle of an ufotable production. "Rin's Big Adventure" was practically tailor made ...
  5. My girlfriend is in jail again

    by , August 12th, 2014 at 07:44 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    No punchline

    She's been in for about a week on a probation violation, the details of which are still unclear to me. She went to court today and was sentenced to six to twelve months in a live-in rehabilitation facility.

    This is a massive mixed blessing.

    I've mentioned in previous blog posts that we had broken up in the past due to her heroin addiction, which she then kicked while we were apart. She's been clean for seven months, and we've been together ...
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