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  1. Extraneous

    by , August 10th, 2014 at 06:08 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    EXTRAneous like Fate/EXTRA

    Get it? See what I did there?

    So I just ordered a copy of Fate/Extra, my only exposure to it having come from Youtube videos and translations on this forum. I'm not too terribly excited about anything it has to offer as a game. Not big on the idea of a RPS RPG

    But I do want to see Red Saber (no, not Mordred) in her natural environment. I figure my first play through will be lady Hakuno and Seibah siding with Rin to fight Lu ...
  2. Shirou Emiya, Vampire Slayer

    by , August 3rd, 2014 at 03:50 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    I'm constantly conceiving and discarding story seeds, which has been the subject of many a blog post. But I (like to) think I'm finally zeroing in on a few concrete ideas that, at first blush, weren't related at all. Then I began to think more and more about them and saw how easily they could be sewn together as episodes in a much greater narrative.

    The common theme? Shirou winds up fighting vampires in most of them.

    But let's start at the beginning.

    I've ...
  3. Beer Me

    by , July 10th, 2014 at 03:45 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    I was recently offered a promotion at the brewery where I work, which will upgrade me from a part-time customer service monkey-slash-bartender getting paid minimum wage plus tips to a packaging technician at $10 an hour. It's still part time, but I will be getting more hours at better pay with a lot of room for advancement. They tend encourage people to learn different pieces of machinery that come with a little raise. The brewery can be a little back assward at times, but it rewards hard work and ...
  4. Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

    Ten levels in now, and I'm doing marginally better, if only from a mental standpoint.

    I decided that the game isn't meant to be played perfectly, so I'm not sweating foul ups and losses anymore. The game is pretty forgiving, but it is disheartening to see one of your most-used units drop off the face of the map, forcing you to pull from the benches. Case in point: I just lost Ross a level before his promotion, and I lost Garcia and Colm not too long ago. All three had been deployed ...
  5. Fire Emblem

    by , June 30th, 2014 at 08:09 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    As in the Gameboy Advance game with that as the actual title, not the franchise as a whole

    You know, the one with Eliwood

    I'm about eight stages in, and I'm awful at this so far. It's the super-easy tutorial section with Lyn, and I just had to restart because one of my best guys got killed. I know that the party in the tutorial section shows back up in Eilwood's mode--another one of the game's many generous features to newbies--but, damn it, I really like Kent. He's ...
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