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Imperial Privilege

Ranting, raving and a whole lot of time wasting

  1. Drawing Board (Part Two/The Revenge)

    by , January 31st, 2015 at 01:20 AM (Imperial Privilege)
    Let's talk about the Third Holy Grail War.

    It's no secret that the notion charms me. I post about it every so often, and I immediately start grilling anyone with a fanfic idea of their own about it to see how they would handle the kerfluffle of two Sabers running around in the same Grail War as Nazis, the IJA, Avenger and the more pedestrian blend of colorful Master-Servant combinations.

    I've given mine the title of The Third Tragedy. It's gone through about ...

    Updated January 31st, 2015 at 01:42 AM by Imperial
