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ZeX's Little Island of Tiles, Washboards, and Digital Stuffings

The ideal purpose is mahjong, lolis, and games. The former two will never change. But they are very open for discussion.
The spreading of and enjoyment of the greatest gambling game in Asia, played for sport, is my joy.
The correction of erroneous usage of the word "loli" is my goal.
The distractions from reality called games is my life.

I am an indebted college student who tries to simultaneously shirk responsibility and manage an impossible schedule.

  1. Stressful Stress Relief

    by , February 17th, 2012 at 09:11 PM (ZeX's Little Island of Tiles, Washboards, and Digital Stuffings)
    So basically, mahjong is my favorite thing ever. I use it as a stress reliever, since it's fun. But then, matches like this happen.

    Holy Feces on a BBQ stick. you know when first place is barely 30100 ten, shit was NOT peaceful. Also, all those wasted riichi-bou. ;_; Still managed to pull the win, but SHIT was it not easy.
    Tags: mahjong