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  1. Hello, I introduce myself.

    Hello, how are you? I hope very well.

    You can call me Eien.

    I haven't been in this forum long but I've been knowing it for almost a year but until now I dared to enter. I am a Spanish speaker but I know some English, although they recommended that I try to communicate more in English to learn, so I am trying to integrate.

    I have been in the beautiful world that is the Nasuverse for some time now and I am quite a fan and well the Spanish community of ...
  2. Tsukihime thoughts (Arc route)

    These feelings of disgust and revulsion @ FGO aren't really dying down, so I'm reading Tsukihime in the hopes that it doesn't take root. I'm using the SA LP for ease of access, hence the occasional references to "part [X]". I will probably update this as I go rather than making new entries. Blog posts for each route; this could get long depending on how much time Shiki devotes to his anorexic woman act.

    - This must have slapped for anyone who had no idea what they were in ...

    Updated October 6th, 2023 at 06:09 AM by tsugumi

    Tags: tsukihime
  3. Why are here still here....

    Just to buy more PVC?
  4. Prologue

    Uhh... So apparently this was supposed to be a Rework-a-Sheet entry but everything happened and then this plan never came to fruition. Instead, this will be the prologue to another sheet. But don't worry! You can read them all here!
    [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 4.5] [Part 5]

    I could say that you'd probably want to read the previous parts to truly grasp at the weight of this one, but that's bs. Ultimately this is only optional because I think one can still treat Part

    Updated August 10th, 2023 at 10:24 AM by WhiteFrenzy

  5. Horizon Gate 4 ideas + Elysium members teaser

    by , July 30th, 2023 at 08:00 AM (Horizon of Strange Stars: Cosmic Dump)
    Hey it's me, Desdinova. I felt super inspired while working on Horizon Gate 4 so I decided to put some ideas for the setting onto paper. A little look into the Divine Oracle Metropolis while I figure out how to make a murder mystery work in a place that focuses on prediction of the future as its main area of research.

    These oracle towers are monitoring devices that record all sorts of information for students and teachers to access ...