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The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works)

So I guess I need to change the title . . .

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Next Fic to be Updated: Reign of Winter I: Lost in the Snow

Completion Level: 10.5 pages (approx. 95%, since the last part is planned but not yet written)

Estimated Upload Date: Sunday

I'm over my usual page limit, I have one scene left that I've already got half-planned out, and everything so far is looking perfectly on track to being updated bright and early Sunday morning.

. . . It's a pity that I didn't actually accomplish anything I intended to in it.

The sad thing is, it's not the filler chapter you'd expect - in fact, I make a start on getting the actual Adventure Path started (which is kind of sad to say about the fourth chapter), so I'm making genuine progress, and in that sense, it's quite pleasing. Especially since I'm getting the impression that this will end up as long as my first Grail Works fic - and it's only the first of at least three . . .

Oh, well - I suppose the good news is that I don't need to agonise over the title of the next chapter.

Updated April 11th, 2015 at 12:32 PM by Kieran

