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  1. It's also freezing here

    by , October 21st, 2012 at 04:56 AM (I create a world of finite somethings)
    Neir's story mostly done, chapter of SRoPE nearly done. I had a short job opportunity that has kept me away from my home computer most of the past week and I am right now posting this from my netbook at a friend's house while we do our weekly D&D session. Anyway. Job done, will be back on tomorrow, hopefully with something to post?

    It also went from 80*F temps to 30*F temps in the span of like two days. My fingers feel like they're going to fall off because my friends don't ...
  2. Run For Your Lives!

    by , October 20th, 2012 at 04:09 AM (僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ。)
    Has anyone heard of Run For Your Lives?

    It's a zombie-infested 5K obstacle race that's on tour through the USA. Basically you run it, except zombies chase you, crawl out of the mud, try to screw with you, etc.

    And the mild-mannered folks at Atlus are ALL IN! (well, 8-10 of us are anyway)

    Tomorrow, Team LOVE IS OVER will test our mettle against the undying hordes. I will be dressed like our lovely marketing people here:


    Updated October 20th, 2012 at 05:15 AM by mewarmo990

    Tags: atlus, zombies
  3. So I'm on Saisei-Hen...

    I find it so funny when Amuro and Ribbons encounter each other. That had to be one of the most interesting encounters yet.

    Super Robot Wars, y u so good?
  4. I rarely even go fishing, but I should buy this rod on principle

  5. I have found the bottom of the abyss that is the things I ship

    by , October 18th, 2012 at 11:37 PM (Illya's #1 fangirl)
    It's apparently Shinji x Yui. I don't think I need to elaborate on that.
    Tags: evangelion