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  1. Texturing and shaky hands.

    Right, so out of complete boredom and to ignore the fact that I can't move my pinky finger without triggering a dull pain in my side, I decided to do some texture practice to make some avatars for myself and anyone who wants to use them.

    On a side note, I finally got around to playing Killing Floor 2 with Mewarmo and some PAYDAY and Warframe ...

    Updated October 11th, 2015 at 09:19 AM by Rocket Burrito

  2. Curse work . . .

    by , October 8th, 2015 at 04:56 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Next Fic to be Updated: Reign of Winter I: Lost in the Snow

    Completion Level: 2 pages (approx. 20%)

    Estimated Upload Date: Sunday October 18

    Between extra shifts and assembling my Hallowe'en costume for the staff contest (my boss insisted), I haven't had any time to write lately. Heck, today was the first workout I've done in a week! So, as seems to be becoming the usual, no update this week - sorry.
  3. Member Maps

    I missed this.

    That 40% ability hurts, the name makes up for it.

    They added something new though, a kissing anyalzer! Let's take a look-

    Can't even do self love right. This analysis is brutal.
  4. Japanese 111 Script 1

    I forgot 2 lines that i just noticed. Haha. You can probs tell

    SIGN: 2195年10月6日19:00
    Kevin walks in
    ひかり: いんばんは、おひとりですか。
    K: はい。
    ひかり: あなたのおなまえはなんできか。
    K : KEVINさん ...
  5. So I found another timesink

    Nobunaga's Ambition is pretty amazing, but it turns out in addition to the Officer Editor/Creator, they also added a Portrait Editor.

    At last my dreams can be realized.

    Now I truly am a video game. Too bad I can't use my current avatar, but that's the problem with using a character from the same game as one.

    Anyway, obviously this ...

    Updated October 2nd, 2015 at 01:34 PM by Fancy Face the First
