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  1. Possible thing I might do in the future?

    So I wanted to know if anyone might be interested in me translating the short stories I write in my production school? I have a decent stack of 500-ish word stories about various things (I primarily enjoy writing about people with severe mental issues) that I was thinking I might begin posting here once I'm done with my contest fic.

    Any input is very much welcome.
    Tags: Idea?
  2. Ogre-like Translations: Archer 1 ・ Apologizes

    So I was busy last week so didn't post anything. I'm making up for all of it by finishing the EMIYA card now. I was going to split it into three.

    かんしょう ばくや
    古代中国、呉の刀匠であるった干将と妻の莫邪により作成された二振りの夫婦剣。黒い方が陽剣・干将、白い方 が陰剣・莫邪。
    Kanshou Bakuya
    Gan Jiang ・ Mo Ye
    : C-
    In ancient China a chinese swordsmith Gan Jiang and his wife Mo Ye created a pair of married swords. The black one is Yang sword Gan Jiang and the white one is Yin sword Mo Ye. ...

    Updated September 18th, 2014 at 03:27 PM by You

  3. Going to a Job Interview tomorrow.

    by , September 2nd, 2014 at 11:26 PM (Just Persona 5 things)
    Wish me luck, I guess.

    Being nervous all day is a terrible way to spend your birthday btw.
  4. Kieran's bout to get more blog posts than me.

  5. Back from London

    by , August 28th, 2014 at 12:11 PM (The madman's asylum)
    I'm back with vengeance.

    Fiver flew to Canada in the beginning of the month.

    I didn't want to disturb Strife. -> No British Museum for me.

    By the end of the journey I had shitty, slow as Hell's most intricate tortures Wi-Fi.

    I couldn't get to Scotland because the tickets were either too expensive or couldn't be purchased. Clash with our schedules and whatever else.
    Tags: england