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  1. So, I was wondering...

    How do the SMS-sent 'free iPad giveaway' scams work? I've received these messages a few times and always ignored them, but I'm curious as to how the scammers get money from it.

    Most of us who have received these SMSes know it usually goes something along the lines of this:

    “Apple has selected your # to win a FREE iPad3. Click on phone number) and enter your winning code XXXXX(some code) to claim your FREE iPad3 within 24hrs.”
  2. Research isn't the (fanfic) writer's friend

    by , January 17th, 2013 at 08:14 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Next Fic to be Updated: Gods and Monsters I: Stolen Thunder

    Completion Level: 1.5 pages (approx. 15%)

    Estimated Upload Date: Sometime this weekend?

    Spent most of the day researching material for one of my novel ideas - my resolution for the New Year is to finish something so that I can start submitting it to publishers. The good news on that front is that I found an ideal location for the setting of the novel - now I just have to crystallise ...

    2ch bout' to go wild in fanart

    My lower body feels weird. Is it wrong to feel weird there
  4. High School in Japan, Part 2.5

    Despite it being the transition period between classes, a small crowd had somehow gathered to watch the miraculous spectacle that is, you guessed it, my making small talk in English with one of the resident English-speaking English teachers (if this seems redundant, think again), who hailed from New Zealand. (You'd think that they'd be tired of this by now, wouldn't you?)

    Not one to let an educational opportunity pass by, instead of nicely requesting them to please GET THEIR ASSES TO ...

    Updated January 17th, 2013 at 03:24 AM by Reiu

  5. Oh sweet mother of humanity. Why won't it stop playing!!

    This song it will not stop playing in my head no matter how hard I try to stop it. ;_;

    Why Why won't it stop playing. Why? Why!