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Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ Basically CMIV Word for Word

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What the title said. At we least we got ranks.

直感は戦闘における第六感だが、"啓示"は目標の達成に関する事象全て(例えば旅の途中で最適の道を選ぶ) に適応する。
Revelation: A
Equivalent Skill to Instinct.
Instinct is a sixth sense regarding battle however, Revelation concerns all things related to the achievement of an objective (For example taking a trip and finding the optimal path).
As there is no basis (so it seems to the user), it cannot be explained well to others.

軍団を指揮する天性の才能。戦場で旗を掲げ突撃に参加するジャンヌの姿は、兵士の士気を極限まで高め、軍を 一体のものとする。彼女はカリスマのおかげで根拠のない"啓示"の内容を他者に信じさせること が出来る。
Charisma: C
Natural talent of leading armies. The figure of Jeanne flying her flag while participating in battle raised the solider's morale to its maximum and unified them. Thanks to her charisma she can convince others to believe in the contents of her revelations even if they don't really have a basis.

聖人として認定された者であることを表す。聖人の能力はサーヴァントとして召喚された時に"秘蹟の効果上昇 "、"HP自動回復"、"カリスマを1ランクアップ"、"聖骸布の作成が可能"から、ひとつ選択さ れる。
Saint: B
Proof that one is acknowledged as a Saint. When summoned as a Servant one of the following abilities of a Saint is chosen: "Sacraments are more effective," "Rank up in Charisma," "Holy Shrouds can be constructed."


"主よ、この身を委ねます――――"という辞世の句を発動の呪文とし、炎を発現させる聖剣。ジャンヌの火炙 りを攻撃的に解釈した概念結晶武装。固有結界の亜種であり、心象風景を剣として結晶化したもの。この剣は英 霊ジャンヌ・ダルクそのものであり、宝具を発現させると戦闘後、ジャンヌは消滅する。
La Pucelle
The Crimson Holy Virigin

Rank: C (Before Activation) EX (After activation)
Type: Suicide Noble Phantasm
Range: ???
Maximum Number of Targets: ???
A holy sword that manifests flames when a line of her final moments is invoked as an incantation, "O Lord, I entrust this body to you." An offensive interpretation of Jeanne's burning at the stake that is a crystallized Conceptual Weapon. It is a subspecies of Reality Marble, with the imagined landscaped crystallized as the sword. This sword is Heroic Spirit Jeanne D'Arc herself. After the battle in which this Noble Phantasm manifested, Jeanne disappears.


生前、ジャンヌが振っていた聖旗が宝具となったもの。この旗を中心とする10レンジ内部を天使の祝福によっ て守護するもの。規格外(EX)とされるジャンヌの対魔力を、そのまま物理的な防御力として行使することが 可能。ただし、旗を構えている間ジャンヌは一切の攻撃が不可能になる。また旗そのものにはダメージが蓄積し ていくため、濫用すると使い物にならなくなる。
Luminosité Eternelle
God is Here With Me

Rank: A
Type: Bounded Field Noble Phantasm
Range: 1-10
Maximum Targets: ???
The holy flag Jeanne wielded while she was alive became her Noble Phantasm. This flag protects all within 10 Range with the blessing of angels. Jeanne's non-standard (EX) Magic Resistance can be utilized as is as physical protection power. However, when the flag is up Jeanne cannot attack. Also the flag itself takes damage therefore spamming it is useless.

So the flag is less great.

Updated June 7th, 2015 at 12:42 PM by You



  1. LJ3's Avatar
    Kinda feels like the Flag should have been EX. I like the tweaking for it.

    First IH, now La Pucelle. If it wasn't for UBW, hasn't every RM been EX including Alice's?

    Wonder if it's just coincidence or intentional.
  2. Megas's Avatar
    Wait, you mean the flag doesn't NTR enemy troops?

    Capsaba lied to me?
  3. You's Avatar
    Yeah every RM has pretty much been EX. Nameless forest hasn't been ranked so that might be something else.
    I think Flag should have been E-EX because it depends on MR but neh, whatcha gonna do about it.

    No Capsaba didn't lie. Jeanne waving her flag in Capsaba is just a distraction, she's also using a command spell.