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Imperial Privilege

I Am Not Romantic

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My girlfriend and I can make for a very dull couple.

We're that stereotypical couple that talks about where to eat before we fire up a movie on Netflix. I'm not complaining, but it can get pretty old.

How do I spice up my love life?

I've tried to take her dancing a few times, but she's too self-conscious to do that very often.

We go to yoga together, but she has lingering injuries after she was thrown off of a horse when she was very young. She has her good days and her bad ones where she can't finish a session.

I try to take her to the parties my friends are always throwing, but she has anxiety that makes her a no-go in crowds.

She is a wonderful woman, the sweetest person I've ever met. But she can be hard to plan around, and I know it bothers her to feel like a friend who I hang out with a lot instead of a girlfriend with whom I have a definitive romance.

Comments. Tips. Tricks. Anything would be nice.


  1. Ivan The Mouse's Avatar
    Dance with her. But only with you two and nobody else.
  2. Imperial's Avatar
    Great idea. Thanks, Ivan
  3. aldeayeah's Avatar
    Go see cool places together.
  4. Lycodrake's Avatar
    Maybe let your friends know that large parties aren't her thing, and have smaller gatherings?
  5. Strife ❤️'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by aldeayeah
    Go see cool places together.
  6. Enhance's Avatar
    Have you talked to her about it, maybe she has something she'd like to do? Make sure the issue doesn't exist solely in your head, too. As a mostly-introvert, I can't imagine a better love life than just spending quiet evenings together, and occasionally going out.
  7. Imperial's Avatar
    I am far more outgoing than she is, and she's the type who likes her quiet alone time.

    But she has also brought up the fact that she feels less like a love and more like a friend sometimes.

    So I'm trying to split the difference. She likes cuddling up just the two of us. It's our go-to thing because she likes it so much. But then she feels like I'm going through the motions every now and then. Tricky needle to thread, that one
    Updated November 4th, 2014 at 05:36 PM by Imperial
  8. SeiKeo's Avatar
    Thread the needle but in her pants OP
  9. Vagrant's Avatar
    Google"introvert extrovert dating tips". I'm sure all those female magazines know more about it than the beta nerds of BL.
  10. aldeayeah's Avatar
    well thank you very much
  11. DezoPenguin's Avatar
    You're actually looking at two separate issues, from what I can tell:

    1) You like to go out and do things, while she doesn't.

    2) Her feeling more "friend" than "lover."

    The first problem can be dealt with. The second problem is considerably more serious. Have you talked to her about why she feels that way? What is it that makes her feel like a friend? Remember that time alone together can still be romantic, and still be a big production between the two of you, even if it's not "go out into the world" dating. Also look into things that are date-like but don't involve interacting with people (I'm thinking things in the "moonlit walks on the beach" kind of vein). Also remember that a quiet evening at home doesn't have to be "friends hanging out"-like; the one problem with such evenings is that it promotes casualness which can sometimes appear unromantic, so try to make a special deal out of those situations. But most of all, talk to her, and try to figure out why she's feeling this way.
  12. KENTA's Avatar
    Stick it in her pooper.
  13. Elf's Avatar
    Well, is there anything she likes to do?

    This is something that Roadbuster and I deal with a lot, and we've been married for six years. He's outgoing and likes to hang out with friends. I have social anxiety and can have panic attacks in large crowds.

    However there are things we like to do together. Like just going out and window shopping can be fun. Or if you have an art district in your home town park somewhere and walk up and down it. Take time to look at things and whatnot.
  14. Apple's Avatar
    I'm pretty sure the lingering injuries thing is bullshit, m8. Unless you're dating an 8 year old I seriously doubt childhood injuries are still unhealed.
  15. aldeayeah's Avatar
    Yup, all those kids in wheelchairs will eventually heal. It is known.