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Why partners suck.

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I have a class, lab animal. It's a requirement for pre-vet options in animal science because you require at least one class in another option, and it's an absolute requirement for people who are either already in the lab animal option or are considering it (like me). And normally, I enjoy the class. Sure, I have to haul ass on the practical next week because I kind of bombed the second exam, but no biggie.

And then last week and this week happened, and they both kind of sucked. A lot.

The last couple classes of lab animal are actually labs, in which you get to study slides, learn how to handle rats, all of the fun, lovely stuff. Last week we had to castrate male rats, and we had to have a partner to do it because, you know, males have two testes and all. Except my partner is some kind of emotional sissy who has a breakdown when we so much as have to inject the rats because of how much she hates needles. That was kind of annoying, but we made it through last week pretty okay.

Then this week happened with spaying the females, and I don't know what the fuck she went through, but she just went nuts. She's all shaking and nervous and "OMG WHAT IF THE RAT CAN FEEL WHAT WE'RE DOING TO IT WHAT IF WE'RE HURTING IT RIGHT NOW" during the surgery, and it eventually got so bad that I had to call the professor over to get him to help me because she was too busy hyperventilating and emotionally melting down in the corner to finish what she started.

I mean. I just. GAH.

I know how cold I sound right now. I get it, it's a live animal, it sucks that you have to operate on it while it's still living and breathing and then put it down after the fact. But woman, you did this last week, why was it suddenly so hard this time? You keep saying how much you hate doing this and how cruel it is, SO WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS CLASS? It's lab animal, anyone who signed up for it knew what they were getting into!

I just. Jesus. I almost wish she hadn't shown up today so I could have worked alone, it would have been so much easier.

.... God, I sound so nasty about it. I'm just in an annoyed, bad mood. I seriously have no fucks to give for this kind of behavior anymore. Maybe I'm finally emotionally dead inside and don't care about anything anymore. Which would suck because finals are right around the corner.

Just let it be the weekend already, I need to relax and have some fun


  1. Aiden's Avatar
    You don't sound nasty; it's in the course description, assuming your school works the way mine does, so she should not have joined the class if she has this kind of issue with surgical procedures.

    You're fully in the right to complain.
  2. Lycodrake's Avatar
    Ouch, that can never be fun. Hope things go well for you in there, though, even though that happened.
  3. Seika's Avatar
    "my partner is a delicate flower of emotion"


    But, yeah, this is pretty weird. Had she done a decent bit of dissection before, and it was just the live part which was getting to her? Or was it a reaction to the whole thing? We'd been doing mortisection (is this a word? meh, it's useful) since back at GCSE levels; I can't imagine anyone freaking out solely because of the general ickiness factor after three-plus years of that.
  4. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    She seemed fine when the animal was dead and was only a little shaky (but still managing to hold herself together) last week when we were working on the males. I don't know why, but something about operating on the females really pushed her over the edge. Maybe it was a sympathy thing? I don't know, I wasn't having a problem with it and neither were the other girls in the class.
  5. Seika's Avatar
    Hmm. Always the possibility that she's just been having a terrible week and this was the last thing to get to her.
  6. RadiantBeam's Avatar
    Also possible, I do admit.
  7. Elf's Avatar
    Or maybe she was a sissy bitch?

    But no, this sort of thing was the reason in Biology 2 I made sure I never had a lab partner if possible. Or when I did, I made sure I grossed her out enough that she ran out of the lab to throw up.
  8. Kieran's Avatar
    I can sort of understand her feelings, because I don't like hurting animals either - I take hurting animals worse than I do humans. But by the same token, I'd never have gone anywhere near a course like yours, because of that. So, "nasty" or not, you're justified to complain. Don't worry about it.
  9. Moczo's Avatar
    It's almost the weekend, at least! Soon, it won't matter how many rats your lame partner can't perform surgery on, because you can haaaaaaaave fun!
  10. Heroslayer's Avatar
    Geez. I understand that some people are really bad with that kind of thing, but it seems odd that she would have such a big problem with it and not go to the teacher. I mean, if you didn't like doing stuff like this to the point where you're having a nervous breakdown, I think that's where you either drop the class or talk to the Professor.

    Sorry that your lab partner sucks.
  11. Laith's Avatar

    Those three things don't mix. At all. ;_; I know it.
  12. mewarmo990's Avatar
    Wow, something exactly like this happened with a kid in my Cadaver Lab. And they were already dead, too!
  13. Aiden's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Elf
    Or maybe she was a sissy bitch?

    But no, this sort of thing was the reason in Biology 2 I made sure I never had a lab partner if possible. Or when I did, I made sure I grossed her out enough that she ran out of the lab to throw up.
  14. Mellon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Heroslayer
    Geez. I understand that some people are really bad with that kind of thing, but it seems odd that she would have such a big problem with it and not go to the teacher. I mean, if you didn't like doing stuff like this to the point where you're having a nervous breakdown, I think that's where you either drop the class or talk to the Professor.

    Sorry that your lab partner sucks.
    I don't know how it is there, but dropping the class that late into the semester is... well impossible in my uni. You have two weeks in the beginning of the semester. That is it. After that, you cannot transfer anywhere. And if you "drop the class" you would fail your year (if you don't get enough credits, you cannot pass the year).

    I am not too surprised at something like this though. I think it is relatively common actually. A lot of people overestimate their capabilities and think they can dissect animals and such (probably when she signed onto the course), only find out in the end that they really cannot.
  15. Dark Pulse's Avatar
    Yeah... I'd question her mental sanity, in all honesty. I mean, being being a vet means that the animal may die if you do it wrong, or that you may have to put it down if it's in too much pain and suffering, or a myriad of other things. If she can't do that with rats, she's not really cut out to be a vet. Sorry.

    It's not a job everyone can do, so I admire people who can, just like surgeons, EMTs, and the like. They're very brave people. So are psychiatrists, psychologists, and so on - in some ways, the human mind is more dangerous to "operate" on than the physical body (and I know that quite well considering what sort of training I'm doing.)

    That said, the weekend is here, Beamu! Let's party and have fun times.