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  1. PE classes and another Facebook thing on my school

    So yesterday I had my first PE class in years. My school is only now making us have PE for god knows why. We third years should be focused on the university entry exams, just like every other third year from my city who are dispensed from PE. Even the teacher was surprised when we appeared at class. He is such a slave driver, that dumbass.

    And today there was yet another polemic regarding Facebook at my school.

    Let me explain things. In my school, classes start at 07:15AM ...
  2. Monstrous Music

    You know there is a lot of weird and frankly horrible videos running around YouTube nowadays that surfing through the channels ain't that fun anymore.

    But there are still gems out there like this for example:

    This is for me, is what YouTube is truly about. This guy is scarily talented, hope he does more songs!
  3. 50 Shades of Grey ... by Ellen

    Because... well, because. Thank Moczo for showing me this.
    Tags: Bad Porn, LOL
  4. Looking for...

    by , August 9th, 2012 at 12:51 AM (IRUn's House of Whatever)
    ...random recommendations!

    I've decided to get up off my ass and get into more things. Trouble is, I'm not exactly sure where I should start. Normally I'd do things myself and look around, but I've decided to see if the friendly, knowledgeable denizens of Beast's Lair could offer their input on what they think is the shit/bee's knees/your euphemism for what's good here.

    The recommendations I'm looking for are:
    Western Comic Books/Graphic Novels
  5. Amazing Chest Ahead.


    Get it?
    Tags: Dark Souls