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  1. Ogre-like Translations: Gilgamesh ・ Ranks

    So this the last of the Prisma stuff. Since I've been getting busier I told myself that I'd take a break for a while after this. I know I want to try to do stuff for Apo Materials when it comes out and also UBW's animation materials as long as the dictionary entries are as short as they were for Zero's animation materials.

    子ギルが身につけていたお守り。日食を象った金細工で、装備者の回避率を大きく向上させ、Dランク以下の飛 び道具を無効化する。攻撃を無効化すること金細工の日の欠けは大きくなっていき、やがて欠けが日の大きさに 達し消失する。

    Updated November 9th, 2014 at 01:08 AM by You

  2. Apple-kun is kawaii as fuck

    by , November 8th, 2014 at 10:29 AM (The Vague Rants of Vagrant)

    That is all I have to say on the matter.
  3. Shiki SHIKI Shiki

    Ahh.. the urge to kill and inflict bodily harm...

    I don't miss you. Please stahp.

    I've been told to go for a walk at night too. Good for me apparently.


    Only have shitty utility knives too.
  4. Most Moving Point of the Trip So Far

    by , November 6th, 2014 at 09:38 AM (The Vague Rants of Vagrant)
    I'm currently in Singapore, until Nov 11, and today I went to the Changi Museum & Chapel, which is a war museum all about the Japanese occupation of Singapore in WWII and the prison camps for the POWs and the citizens alike.

    Shit was super-moving, bro. I know saying it like that sounds blasé but really it's a manly mask for deeper feelings inside because that's how men roll.

    Might have been because my grandfather was a POW here for ages before being shipped off to work ...
  5. I Am Not Romantic

    by , November 3rd, 2014 at 11:34 PM (Imperial Privilege)
    My girlfriend and I can make for a very dull couple.

    We're that stereotypical couple that talks about where to eat before we fire up a movie on Netflix. I'm not complaining, but it can get pretty old.

    How do I spice up my love life?

    I've tried to take her dancing a few times, but she's too self-conscious to do that very often.

    We go to yoga together, but she has lingering injuries after she was thrown off of a horse when she was very young. ...