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  1. Streaming Fate/EXTRA on Twitch now!

    by , November 14th, 2014 at 07:16 AM (僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ。)
    It's 3 in the morning and I've just woken up, so let's play Fate/EXTRA!

    No mic because people are sleeping, but I will keep an eye on the chat!
  2. I got a twitching in my eye

    Caffeine overdrive
    Living the night life
    Just staying alive


    God I'm tired
  3. an ode to leopardbear

    by , November 13th, 2014 at 09:07 PM (That Turtle Pond)
    i promised leo, and i shall deliver

    This is a work of fiction.
    Any resemblance to a Beast's Lair member, dead or alive, banned or unbanned, inactive or active is completely coincidental.
    Everyone in this work is 18+ with the exception of one person.
    Based on a true story.

    Beast’s Lair High School was a fairly unruly liberal arts academic institution. In the General Discussion room, one could pour over arcane texts and argue as much as they liked, ...
  4. MAC Chaos

    by , November 13th, 2014 at 07:43 PM (The Random Ideas and Thoughts of a Fellow Magus)
    So for those of you who are interested in router problems I've been having issues going onto BL over the past few months. Every time I tried to get it would give me either 404s or Server is busy and not even DarkPulse could help me with this issue. I even tried getting completely new equipment with both a new modem and router but that didn't even work.

    I eventually found out that by using a proxy filter like Filterbypass I could get around it to some extent but it tended to log me out ...
  5. Praetor!

    by , November 13th, 2014 at 03:32 AM (僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ。)
    Idle thoughts during translation:

    By now we all know that Red Saber commonly addresses the player character as "奏者" with ruby text Master. And less commonly, just "Master". Aksys translated 奏者 as "Praetor" because there was no English equivalent that communicated "Master" and "actor" at the same time and we don't use ruby text in English. And, if you don't know any better, Praetor sounds appropriately authoritative ...