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  1. Hey RoadBuster, can I stop bellydancing now?

    Note this isn't counting Paypal funds (Which they began accepting 2/3rds of the way through or so), so the actual total is somewhere around $811,000 - double its $400k starting goal.

    The best part? Even though the kickstarter's over, they're still going to accept Paypal funding, and any funds obtained from it will still apply towards future stretch goals. Through the kickstarter we got two extra chapters (so ...
  2. A possibility of delay

    by , October 3rd, 2013 at 04:45 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Next Fic to be Updated: Trinity VII: The Twilight

    Completion Level: 2 pages (approx. 20%)

    Estimated Upload Date: Sunday

    Between late meetings at work, weekend shifts, and a touch of writer's block (and idea overload) - and honestly, all the new fall TV - I may be a bit late in posting, this time - but I'll try to have it up at the usual time.
  3. I have a thing.

    by , October 2nd, 2013 at 10:40 PM (Beam's Blog of Writing and Other Things.)
    A Tumblr, to be exact. Had to use a different name since someone else claimed RadiantBeam.

    Oh God I have to learn how to blog on Tumblr. This is going to take some time.
  4. I'm drunk.

    Ask me anything. (better be fast though while I can still type something coherent)
  5. RIP Ginger

    My cat was put down today, shortly after having officially turned 13 years old. She apparently had far more significant health problems than we had thought, though we had noted that she was very skinny (only 6lbs/2.7kg) and that she had become much more vocal, so this came as quite a shock.

    RIP, Ginger. Evil mastermind, aspiring overlord, and well-loved aloof pet.