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Ogre-like Translations: Mordred ・ Rebellion All Day

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母であるモレガンから「决して外してはなりません」という言葉と共に授けられた兜。ステータス情報の内、固 有 のスキルや宝具など真名に繋が情報を覆い隠す。
Secret of Pedigree
Helmet of Hidden Infidelity

Rank: C
Type: Anti Unit (Self)
Range: 0
Maximum Amount of Targets: 1 person
The helmet her mother Morgan gave to her along with the words "You must not remove." Within the Status, personal skills, Noble Phantasm and anything connected to the True Name is masked.
However when
Radiant and Sparkling King Sword's
is released, the helmet must be removed.

There's some extra info about how using it in Apocrypha that wasn't here. They should have included it.


「いかなる銀よりも眩い」とされ、「勝利すべき黄金の剣」に勝るとも劣らぬ価値を持つ宝剣であるが、モード レッドは了承なくこの剣を強奪したために本来よりランクが下がっている。

Radiant and Sparkling King Sword

Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 1
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
The sword denoting the right of succession of the throne that was stored in King Arthur's armory. It is described as "more dazzling than any silver, and is a treasured sword with worth excelling or at least not inferior to "The Golden Sword of Certain Victory." Because Mordred stole the sword without acknowledgement, the rank is lower than it was originally.

I translated Clarent like that because the first time I saw it, it looked like something from a Magical Girl series. Also I'd like to point out I'm not really sure about the first part of the last sentence. If Mordred stole the sword without understanding what it mean and that's why it's ranked down or if it's because she wasn't acknowledged that it has a rank down. So I extrapolated based on since it was on hand.

And yes it's better if it was Royal Sword, but King Sword sounds cooler.


「燦然と輝く王剣」の全力解放形態。本来は白銀に輝く華美な剣だが、発動に伴って赤黒い血に染まり、形も醜 く歪む。荒れ狂う憎悪を刀身纏わせに撃ち放つ、災厄の魔剣。
Clarent Blood Arthur
Treason Against My Beautiful Father

Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1~50
Maximum Amount of Targets: 800 people
Radiant and Sparkling King Sword's full power released form. Original was an ornate, sparkling white silver sword, but when invoked it is dyed with dark red blood and warps into an unsightly form. The blade is clad in wanton hatred and fired. A demonic sword of calamity.

Thanks to canonrap for the expression "wanton hatred." Would have never thought of that myself. Would have went with something horrible like "angry hatred," lol. Anyway this is probably the strongest Anti-Army A+ Beam Sword we've seen. Mostly because it's 800 targets. And I guess that's what let it beat Balmung. Yeah I know it was the "shape of the beam." But here we see they have a difference in Max Targets which I guess shows that. So maybe Max Targets also represents shape in some kind. Well at least it's obvious that the shape affects Max Targets.

Anyway that's Mordred done.

Updated July 12th, 2015 at 10:04 PM by You



  1. Rafflesiac's Avatar
    Ehh, Royal Sword sounds cooler to me.

    No idea if it's more accurate though.
  2. Arashi_Leonhart's Avatar
    Sovereign Sword. Alliteration.
  3. Mcjon01's Avatar
    I think I've figured out what's wrong with your pseudo-translations if your ear is telling you king sword sounds cool. It's not your translation ability at all, it's your coolness. Get cooler, then let the cool flow out of you and into your work.
    Updated June 19th, 2014 at 09:13 PM by Mcjon01
  4. Vagrant's Avatar
    I would have gone with Incestual Blue-Blood Blade of Corgis & Crumpets, myself.
  5. You's Avatar
    Thank you all for the informative advice. I will move to Iceland in an attempt to be cooler.