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Ogre-like Translations: Shakespeare ・ Semiramis

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他者や他者の持つ大切な物品に、強力な機能を追加する。基本的にはマスターを戦わせるための強化能力。彼自 身は観客として戦闘を見物したり、心境をいちいち聞いたりしてマスターを苛立たせる。
Enchant: A
Concept endowment.
Able to add powerful functions to other's important items. Basically an ability which strengths the Master's fighting abilities. He himself is the audience, spectating the battle, irritating his master by inquiring about the master's every state of mind.

First thing's first. It's not concept like Conceptual weapon concept. I really couldn't find a better word and Idea endowment sounded ew. At it's core it's Alteration on steroids.

Either way if you got a better word and you probably do, please put it in the comments. I'm stuck.

自己保存: B
自身はまるで戦闘力がない代わりに、マスターが無事な限りは殆どの危機から逃れることができる。つまり、本 人は全然戦わない。そのくせハイリスク・ハイリターンな戦術ばかりを好む。
Self-Preservation: B
By himself, he has no fighting power, however in exchange, however as long as his Master is safe he can escape from almost all crises. In short, he won't fight. Nevertheless he prefers high risk, high return tactics.


When the Curtain Raises, the Applause Shall Be Like Heavy Thunder
First Folio

Not enough info on this yet. Range is 1-30. Max targets is 1. B rank.

To that I say ha. Another example of the NP rank not making sense.

Either way that's it for me, at least until Apo materials comes out. I predict that will be the comiket after vol 5 comes out so like half a year to a year maybe.

As for Semiramis, Mcjon's already done her.

And obviously a better job than what I would have done.

So that's me signing off, the Apocrypha tag won't be used for a while here. Maybe I'll start something else next week. If I do, I think it'll be more popular that Apo's sheets.

Updated December 11th, 2014 at 06:46 PM by You



  1. aldeayeah's Avatar
    You are missing the Self-preservation and the First Folio name translations.

    Maybe I'll start something else next week. If I do, I think it'll be more popular that Apo's sheets.
    Why not the DAA/Notes stuff in Character Material? No one has touched it in ages AFAIK...

    le pai scan

    There are also Chinese translations (scanlations, even) available in the usual places.
  2. You's Avatar
    Thanks, was rushing.
  3. SpoonyViking's Avatar
    Perhaps "Endowment of concepts" (or "Endowment of ideas") would be enough to distinguish it from capital-C Concepts?

    By himself, he has no fighting power, however in exchange, however as long as his Master is safe
    There's a repeated usage of "however".