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  1. Strengthened resolve

    If I read the word ultimatum the rest of this week anywhere in here (comments included) I quit.

    I'm sick of this, like kids on a freaking sandbox back in a kindergarten arguing who's right making everything less fun for everyone else.
  2. Type-Moon Fanfic Idea Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by mAc Chaos View Post
    The whole point of ME is that you trade sanity (and the abilities you have) for power.

    If you could use your normal powers ANYWAY, then how would it even be a drawback. Use ME for power, turn it off and use your skills when you can.

    But nobody does that, probably because you can't. I mean, Kariya could have had Lancelot not insane and out of control which would have helped him in a lot of situations.

    Plus, it's weaved right into the summoning incantations,
    Tags: Servants
  3. Good start to the day.

    by , October 25th, 2012 at 09:32 AM (Beam's Blog of Writing and Other Things.)
    So I got up this morning a touch later than I normally do because my first class isn't until 11:30. Made my bed, got dressed, ate breakfast (noted I forgot to lock my dorm room door last night... derp), and signed on to check my e-mail as I tend to do when I have time to kill so I can stay on top of things with my friends and classes.

    As many of you will recall from my string of blog posts on the subject, I've decided to shift over to the journalism major. This requires a complete shift ...
    Tags: school
  4. Anyone else have this issue?

    I swear, half the time when I post, all discussion just stops. For hours, sometimes days.

    My posts kill threads.
  5. Post-Zombie Run

    by , October 24th, 2012 at 03:48 PM (僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ。)
    Run For Your Lives was pretty damn awesome. I did mention there are obstacles besides the zombies? Electric shocks and mud potholes SUCK!

    7 Atlusians entered, 2 returned alive. I died. I like to think I made a great meat shield!

    I know some people asked, but I'm not really comfortable posting identifying photos of us, especially since I'm the only one that ended up wearing the Catherine stuff. I'll think about it.

    I also made a new friend in our group - a developer ...

    Updated October 24th, 2012 at 04:33 PM by mewarmo990

    Tags: atlus, zombies