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The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works)

Friendship MUST be magic . . .

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Next Fic to be Updated: Trinity VII: The Twilight

Completion Level: 4.5 pages (approx. 45%)

Estimated Upload Date: Sunday

Those ponies have done a marvellous job of sucking away my time and attention lately - to say nothing of my money.

Two seasons worth of DVDs (after buying four of the individual collections), a movie (DVD, and then the BluRay when I loaned the DVD out to a co-worker and had to watch it again) a guidebook, a graphic novel, a t-shirt, and one of the bloody dolls . . .

I'm verging on the better part of $200, here - and now I'm trying to talk myself out of buying a plushie!

I blame that surgery I had last year - if I hadn't been bored enough to watch the stupid show . . . Thank God they haven't released a soundtrack (yet)!

On the bright side, I finally figured out what that last damned Horcrux is going to be, so the week hasn't been a total loss - but still . . .
Tags: trinity
