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Ogre-like Translations: Barthomeloi ・ Sudoku

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Like I said I was going to post something on the 28th. And it was my fanfic.

This is the second thing. Well first I feel horrible saying that 対魔術 was magic resistance. Usually when I make these mistakes it is because I'm skimming, or I don't read what I did, was too excited, stuff like that. But seriously, I have been staring at 対魔力 for like more than eight weeks, and you think after trying to translate so many Servant profiles I would instantly be like, "nope, that's not magic resistance, power is not technique." But no, I failed when it mattered.
So I did a Sudoku:

I would embed the image but it's too big. The Sudoku took like an hour. As you can see it was medium difficulty.

Anyway here is the second part of the blog post. So I ended up having to research a lot of stuff for my story (mostly reading picture books) and ended up translating this part of Barthomeloi's Character Materials profile. The TMwikia pretty much covered the other chucks. This is my first dictionary translation thing, so I'm pretty nervous. Profile stuff is a lot easier.

出典/the dark six (仮名)

なのだが、貴族主義がいきすぎて他の魔術師たちと協力する事がない為、リーダーでありながら孤立している困 ったちゃん。


徹底した貴族主義なこの人物は、しかし、自分たちのみが貴い血族と信じているが故に、他の貴族たちなどどう でもいいのだ。

ローレライにとっては労働階級も支配階級も同じもの。その中で特筆すべき物があるとすれば、そ れは生まれ ではなく授けら れた個別の能力だろう、という事らしい。

典型的な、とことん人間性を排したお嬢さまキャラとして登場。今のところ、メインヒロインの一人として考え られているとかいないとか。
Source/ the dark six (tentative)
Leader of the Magecraft Association's Aylesbury Investigation Committee....

Since she takes aristocratism to an extreme she will not cooperate with other magi, so she is a leader and also a isolated troublesome person.
Because she had a unique education, she is not interested and has low tolerance to homely things.

The person herself says “A person’s special characteristic is worth more than her personality,” as her principle, so she possess an interest in humans with powerful
special abilities

Her personality is aristocratism through and through, however, she believes in only her precious kin, therefore other nobles and the like are inconsequential.

As far as Lorelei is concerned the ruling class and the working class is equal. It is worthy of noting it would seem this is not an individual ability that she was born with but one she was granted.

The appearance of an archetypical Ojou-sama character who has thrown away her humanity. Currently considering if she will be one of the main heroines or not.

Comments, corrections, what not are always welcome.

Updated September 29th, 2014 at 03:52 PM by You



  1. I3uster's Avatar
    confirmed for wanting the T
  2. Christemo's Avatar
    Shes gonna be riding the T-bone in Tsuki 2
  3. Leftovers's Avatar
    Many thanks and pls keep doing charamat, it's like the most interesting thing nobody wants to translate.
  4. LJ3's Avatar
    Thanks. This tidbit is pretty unexpected. Luvia and Kayneth got nothing on this girl.

    Really amusing, I thought Forte was going to be the hypothetical magus LI in Tsuki Harder.
  5. peanuts's Avatar
    so she is a leader troubled with isolation.
    It is worthy of noting it would seem this is not an individual ability that she was granted.
  6. You's Avatar
    Well time to get dictionary humping as food would say.
    I'm pretty sure the first one is " a leader but also isolated troublesome person."

    I was having trouble with the second one, this is what I had if you don't mind me asking about it:
    If there was something worthy of mention

    That is not

    was bestowed/given

    separate ability


    so it would seem.

    So I would have, "It was not a separate ability she was granted, right? Or so it would seem."
    Updated September 29th, 2014 at 01:56 AM by You
  7. Mcjon01's Avatar
    Here, maybe it would help if the text you were working from wasn't riddled with errors:

    出典/the dark six (仮名)
    …なのだが、貴族主義がいきすぎて他の魔術師たちと協力する事がない為、リーダーでありながら孤立している 困ったちゃん。

     徹底した貴族主義なこの人物は、しかし、自分たちのみが貴い血族と信じているが故に、他の貴族たちなどど うでもいいのだ。
     ローレライにとっては労働階級も支配階級も同じもの。その中で特筆すべき物があるとすれば、それは生まれ ではなく授けら れた個別の能力だろう、という事らしい。
     典型的な、とことん人間性を排したお嬢さまキャラとして登場。……今のところ、メインヒロインの一人とし て考えられているとかいないとか……。
  8. You's Avatar
    Wow missing top and the middle. This makes a lot more sense now.