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Ogre-like Translations: Jeanne ・ After Two Days You and PAD is Like Dead

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So truth be told I expected weapons pages from Vol 5 more than Ruler sheets. And I wasn't going to really do the weapons sheets, but then these came out so now I have put You and PAD on hold. Either way here are the class skills for Ruler.

Oh yeah these probably could have been done earlier but I was editing my story which is now finished.

セイバーの対魔力に加え、揺るぎない信仰心によって高い抗魔力を発揮する。ただし、魔術を逸らして(かわし て)いるだけなので、広範囲魔術攻撃の場合、助かるのはジャンヌだけである。教会の秘蹟には対 応しない。
Magic Resistance: EX
In addition to Saber's magic resistance, she exhibits high anti-magical energy due to unwavering piety. However magecraft is only averted (dodged). In cases where AOE magecraft attacks are used only Jeanne will be saved. It cannot deal with sacraments of the Church.

Word for word CMIV.

ルーラーとして召喚されると、直接遭遇した全てのサーヴァントの真名及びステータス情報が自動的に明かされ る。隠蔽能力を持つサーヴァントに対しては、幸運値の判定が必要となる。
True Name Identification: B
If summoned as a Ruler, during a direct encounter, a Servant's true name and entire status information will be automatically revealed. In regards to Servants with concealment abilities, a luck check is required.

聖杯戦争に参加したサーヴァントに二画令呪を行使することができる。他のサーヴァント用の令呪を転用するこ とは不可。
God's Decision: A
Ruler's privilege.
Two Command Spells can be used for each Servant participating in the Holy Grail War. Cannot re-purpose others Command Spells.

There's a good reason why Shirou can but that's for later.

Feedback, questions, comments appreciated as always.


  1. LoyaltL's Avatar
    What would having MR at EX actually mean?
  2. Christemo's Avatar
    Pretty sure its "God's Resolution" and not Decision.
  3. Sunny's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LoyaltL
    What would having MR at EX actually mean?
    A rank = negate almost all magicEX rank = negate those too

    More or less? Seems to me like Rulers are meant to be able to go "no" to getting pushed around by Servants in the war they're GMing.

    interesting that the Command Spell thing is a personal skill. Huh. Neat, thanks for tackling these, i was really curious about the Ruler mechanics and how they updated her skills.
  4. You's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christemo
    Pretty sure its "God's Resolution" and not Decision.
    議決 is most commonly used as like a political term, so Resolution in this case doesn't mean like the resolution of a story, but like "the Senate passed this resolution today." I thought people would get mixed up with the two resolutions so I went with decision which is something also used in politics but can't be confused with something else that easily.
  5. You's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyber Angel
    A rank = negate almost all magicEX rank = negate those too

    More or less? Seems to me like Rulers are meant to be able to go "no" to getting pushed around by Servants in the war they're GMing.

    interesting that the Command Spell thing is a personal skill. Huh. Neat, thanks for tackling these, i was really curious about the Ruler mechanics and how they updated her skills.
    The Command spell thing isn't a personal skill. Rulers have 3 class skills.
  6. Nuclear's Avatar
    So these three are the Ruler class skills, then?
  7. You's Avatar
  8. Vagrant's Avatar
    The idea that anyone can hide their details from a Ruler seems odd to me. Also, Ruler didn't get Presence Detection as a Class Ability and I don't know why, it suits how we see Jeanne picking up other Servants from a distance and the True Name Identification shit could easily have been wrapped into a high rank of Presence Detection.

    I guess Rulers can just CS everyone to kill themselves if they want.
  9. Nuclear's Avatar
    Maybe if you translated it as God's *snerk* Consensus?