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  1. So, as I pray...

    Last Thursday I went to a promo event of some paint company (Liquitex I think? There was free beer. It was a good event.)

    So I took some paper and a handful of acrylic markers and drew the first thing that came to mind:

    hahaha I'm such a weeb
  2. Internet Meme of the Week: Motivational Shia

    by , June 2nd, 2015 at 03:51 AM (僕はね、ヒマワリになりたかったんだ。)

    context: Shia LaBeouf was reading lines in front of a green screen as part of a collaboration with some film students. As you can imagine it is prime material for awesome edits.

  3. People who use elevators to move a single floor....

    ....when an escalator or stairs are readily available, and if they are able bodied and are not in possession of anything limiting their mobility - should have their legs broken. Then we can excuse their lousy elevator etiquette.
  4. Shit you literally can't understand Part 2 - I AM THE DANGER

    by , May 30th, 2015 at 10:40 PM (The stuff where I put more stuff in)
    It's been a while since I've made a blog post about the only music genre I actually care about and before I make more buzzed shitposts let's give people who are open-minded enough to listen to rap they can't understand the lyrics to something to chew on.

    Let's talk about a guy who is a bit of a phenomenon in German rap right now, Xatar.

    Aw yeah, Xatar. The guy came on the scene during the waning days of the gangsta-rap ...
  5. MOGAI discourse, or: how i learned to stop worrying and love LGBT

    i could write a whole essay on why i prefer LGBTQIAA+ - as confusing as the many letters might get to some - over MOGAI (Marginalized Orientations, Gender identities, And Intersex), but i guess i should leave it at this: when pedophiles and people who commit bestiality think your fancy umbrella term applies to them then there might be a problem.

    but honestly, i find the MOGAI community very funny. for one, many of them think asexuals (regardless of their romantic attraction) are 'more' ...