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  1. Employment

    by , May 8th, 2013 at 01:25 AM (All in the Golden Afternoon)
    So, I got a job today. Cashier, at the local grocers.

    I was unsure of what I'd do with the money, after I paid for gas, and if I could not think of something worthwhile, I would turn down the job. Too much work, when I could be spending my summer break sitting on my ass all day enjoying doing absolutely nothing other than reading Manga, watching Anime and playing video games. Then I saw this, this, and this, and I made my resolve.

    I will take this job, put ...

    Updated May 8th, 2013 at 03:13 AM by Matsu

  2. On Friday I am going out to visit Mcjon!

    After a large amount of planning and schedule coordination, I am finally ready to make the 5 hour drive out to the greater Memphis area to spend a week with him.

    It is partially to congratulate him on completing school, and partially just because we've been wanting to get together sometime. This week is moving so slow... I can't wait! XD
  3. Verg Avesta's Retrospect, Case #10: Majikoi, and Wanko-route.

    Minatosoft, take your badly-executed Nature vs. Nurture bullshit somewhere else, plz.

    Fix'd for clarity.

    Updated May 8th, 2013 at 11:24 AM by Verg Avesta

  4. Iron Man 3, huh?

    My hopes are now with Ant-Man.
  5. Spring has arrived to Finland?

    You know it when this song can be heard from the radio. And I just heard it.