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  1. I've read some bad things...

    But the things that I don't understand at all scare me.

    Can anyone figure out how this story works at all?
  2. Slowly getting into gear

    by , May 29th, 2013 at 05:47 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Next Fic to be Updated: Trinity: The Twilight

    Completion Level: 2 pages (approx. 20%)

    Estimated Upload Date: I'm aiming for Sunday

    My original (and hopefully, paying) writing projects are calling - but I'm doing what I can.
  3. Verg Avesta's Retrospect, Case #11: Tanoshii Moomin Ikka

  4. A fox and other forest animals

    Yesterday I went to a walk in the nearby nature reserve, to observe spring nature. The reserve is in town, so it's quite popular, and there were lots of other people, most of them with dogs. But they mostly walked this wide path that goes around the area, the smaller path up the hill was pretty deserted, I think I saw only two people there. And because there was quiet, also forest animals were hopping around there. So I almost bumped into a fox.

    When I first saw it, it was standing ...
  5. Reflection on Poetry Unit for English class

    I don't have any particular reason for posting this here; I just got the urge to put it up. Here it is.

    Reflection on Poetry

    Poetry; a simple thing
    Yet contested by so many
    Like art; life itself.


    Look at that crappy haiku. Isn’t it terrible? It was written by an amateur poet, a teenage boy who wants something he cannot have. Poetry is like that; in a weird, ...

    Updated May 29th, 2013 at 03:47 PM by Mooncake (colored the poems)
