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  1. Testing Testing.

    Whoo~ Never tried blogging before. I'm sure this will fail spectacularly in the sometime future.

  2. ItsaRandomReviewBlog: It's Almost as if my Opinion Matters! -- Episode 4

    by , February 20th, 2012 at 03:26 AM (IRUn's House of Whatever)
    Time to delude myself into thinking people care what I think!"

    Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the next installment of ItsaRandomUsername's ItsaRandomReviewBlog! The place where IRUn voices his thoughts on any video games, books, comics, movies and etc. for no other reason than to take up blogspace.

    Warning: Might be equal parts insightful, opinionated, and probably offensive. Tread lightly.

    Winter Animu 2012 Episodic Reviews:
  3. What To Expect When I Blog, And Other Randomness

    by , February 19th, 2012 at 10:50 PM (xm's randomity on Type-Moon and other weirdness)
    I already have my own blog on Blogspot. Using the blog here would seem redundant. Since this is ostensibly a fansite for all things Type-Moon related, I will limit all of my entries here to that. This way, I can talk about really esoteric Type-Moon material, since in my other networks, readers would most likely say, "What the fuck is a Saber, and why does it hold an invisible sword?"

    With that said, visual novels! I like them . . . when they don't suck. My first visual novel ...
  4. Dear Esther...

    by , February 19th, 2012 at 07:00 PM (668 - Neighbor of the Beast)

    If you've got $10 and you're open to "games as art", go get this on Steam. Now.
  5. I am FAR too easily distracted

    by , February 19th, 2012 at 06:02 PM (The Dark Side of the Moon (Kieran's Works))
    Not that this is liable to be news to my longtime readers.

    As I work on different ways to adapt Kurai to the next Grail Works project (and which one that is, exactly, is still up for grabs), I find myself going through about eight different phases in a day as to what I want to do - never mind what I ought to do! I'm ahead of the game for classes so far, but if I want to stay that way, I should get to work soon.

    Not to mention that if I'm really going to make a go ...