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  1. Kyokushi's college stories part 2

    Alright, one more story involving me and Randy. Rated G for Gay

    Randy gave up masturbating for lent, pulled it off too. How do I know? Because by the end of lent he was naked and passed out on the common room floor and his balls were in full display, swollen to unhealthy levels from his self-cockblocking.

    Anyways, it's about 3am, Lent had ended at about midnight and I'm making instant ramen in the microwave when Randy wakes up and looks at me.

    "Kyo, is ...
  2. One Score and Two Years Ago

    Lyco was born.
    These days Lyco is dealing with finishing credits for his sophomore year of college and shoe gremlins.
    Accursed shoe gremlins, leave my shoes alone.

    Mr. Crocker Lyco: FAIRIES SHOE GREMLINS!
  3. Kyokushi's college stories part 1

    So I've told this story on IRC a few times but I figured I might as well whore for attention on here

    So, freshman year of college, I lived in the dorms. My building was three floors, guy girl guy separated.

    Anyways, I lived next to this guy, let's call him Randy. He placed 6th in the state back in highschool for wrestling and is on the team. Big tall muscular dude, really chill and nice and shy around girls. He had a cowboy hat and southern accent and shit.

  4. Cheese squares

    Friend of mine works at a woodshop. They make custom furniture, desks, cabinets, chairs, etc. They're all basically stereotypically conservative cowboy folk and the like.

    Anyways, his boss walks into work one day with a lunchbox and goes around showing everyone what's inside. Apparently his wife had gone to see her sister or something so he made his own lunch.

    He was so proud of it, walking around and showing the guys this big-ass sandwich, asking if they had made their ...
  5. You probably already know this...

    But in terms of Saya no Uta, I find it more disturbing that people draw her with bigger boobs than the canon story than people drawing her in her true form If anything, I find her true form grotesquely endearing. On a side note, Saya coming down your chimney for Christmas can be interpreted as different things to different people.