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The Vague Rants of Vagrant

So I was watching Parks & Recs because that's my life now, and Andy just got way too real

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Damn son, that's harsh. Where were you when I was 19 and struggling to keep it together?


  1. Dullahan's Avatar
    ...too real.
  2. Vagrant's Avatar
    Damn straight. That was three or four years of my life right there.
  3. Dullahan's Avatar
    That's me right now

    fucking dissertations
  4. Vagrant's Avatar
    Yeah, I've sort of headed back into that territory. Travelling is more of a chore than anything else at this point, so I can only imagine what it must be like to be working on dissertations.

    I'm kind of glad I dropped out of uni, tbh.
  5. Nuclear's Avatar
    who is this person and how does he know whats going on in my life rn
  6. Dullahan's Avatar
    You may call him Star-Lord
  7. Spinach's Avatar
    Life feels pretty meaningful and everything matters. I'm pretty energetic, sleep well, eat comfortably and my love for my hobbies is stronger than ever.

    tfw cannot relate with the suffering boys
  8. Vagrant's Avatar
    Nobody likes you, Spinach.
  9. Spinach's Avatar
  10. Polly's Avatar
    I like you. Despite everything.
  11. Spinach's Avatar
  12. Polly's Avatar
    Surely you can at least relate with the suffering girls?
  13. Strife ❤️'s Avatar
    Spinach knows no suffering.
  14. Spinach's Avatar
    I tried suffering once. Wouldn't recommend it.
  15. SeiKeo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Spinach
    Life feels pretty meaningful and everything matters. I'm pretty energetic, sleep well, eat comfortably and my love for my hobbies is stronger than ever.

    tfw cannot relate with the suffering boys
    Very impressed by your ability to find meaning in fighting games, DOTA, and every anime of the season. Share tips.
  16. Kirby's Avatar
    Fun things are fun
  17. Spinach's Avatar
    What Kirby said.
  18. Petrikow's Avatar
    wanking is my favorite hobby and i will never lose interest in it
  19. Vagrant's Avatar
    That's actually just addiction Petri. You need an untervention. We need to perform a wank intervention.
  20. Petrikow's Avatar
    not the chastity belt, dad, nooooooo